
The Brandos. Tell Her That I Love Her. Zeneszám

Oh Dear God
What have I done ?
I've walked away
From my only love
The dream that I
Have held so close
Is before me now
In a cloud of smoke
She's walking away
I've just myself to blame
If you see her, my friend
These words I wish to send, please


Tell her that I love her
I'm always thinking of her
Tell her that I love her
I can't bear the way things are

Oh Dear God
What I would not give
To turn back the time
In this life I've lived
Sweetly she gave
Herself to me
Now I wring my hands
In agony
I've waited too long
And now her love is gone
If you see her, my friend
These words I wish to send, please


Condemn the man
With blood on his hands
For the swindler and thief
A sentence severe
But the man who has turned
His back on his true love
Show no mercy for him
Don't shed any tears

Oh Dear God
I didn't realize
How much I hold
Her deep inside
Completely she gave
Her love to me
And I walked away
So foolishy

I've waited too long
And now her love is gone
If you see her, my friend
These words I wish to send, please
