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The Real Blues Book. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.Fordítás
A Real Blues Book. Különféle. C Instrument kotta. Piano kotta.Forrás
The Real Blues Book. C Instruments. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Fake Book. 480 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240264. ISBN 1423404513. 8.5x11 inches. 300 blues essentials are included in this collection. All Your Love. I Miss Loving. Baby Please Don't Go. Big Boss Man. Blues Before Sunrise. The Blues Is Alright. Boom Boom. Born Under a Bad Sign. Cheaper to Keep Her. Come on in My Kitchen. Crosscut Saw. Damn Right, I've Got the Blues. Dust My Broom. Every Day I Have the Blues. Evil. Five Long Years. Further on up the Road. Gangster of Love. Give Me Back My Wig. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl. Got My Mo Jo Working. Have You Ever Loved a Woman. Hide Away. How Long, How Long Blues. I Ain't Got You. I Got Love If You Want It. I'm Tore Down. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man. It Hurts Me Too. Juke. Key to the Highway. Killing Floor. Let Me Love You Baby. Look on Yonder's Wall. Mama Talk to Your Daughter. Master Charge. Messin' with the Kid. My Babe. Phone Booth. Pride and Joy. Reconsider Baby. Rock Me Baby. Rock Me Right. Smokestack Lightning. Somebody Loan Me a Dime. Statesboro Blues. They Call It. Stormy Monday. Stormy Monday Blues. Sweet Home Chicago. Texas Flood. The Things That I Used to Do. The Thrill Is Gone. Wang Dang Doodle. and more. All the Real Books feature hundreds of time-tested songs in accurate arrangements in the famous easy-to-read, hand-written notation with comb-binding. You Don't Love Me. Walkin' The Dog. Backwater Blues. Something Inside Me. Catfish Blues. I Got Some Help I Don't Need. Darlin' You Know I Love You. Five Long Years. Please Accept My Love. Sweet Sixteen. You Upset Me Baby. Groaning The Blues. Goin' Away Baby. Blues Leave Me Alone. Third Degree. I'm Tore Down. Someday, After Awhile. You'll Be Sorry. Woke Up This Morning. It's Alright. The Right Time. Mean Old World. It's My Own Fault Darlin'. Hide Away. Please Come Home For Christmas. Ball And Chain. Lie To Me. Louise. Three Hours Past Midnight. Beautician Blues. Blue Shadows. Blue Guitar. Ice Pick. My Baby Left Me. Right Place, Wrong Time. Just a Feeling. You've Got To Love Her With A Feeling. Ain't Gonna Worry My Life Anymore. Lonesome Whistle Blues. So Many Roads, So Many Trains. Crossfire. I'm Ready. Got To Hurry. How Blue Can You Get. Every Night About This Time. Looking Good. Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong. Master Charge. If Trouble Was Money. Chicago Smokeshop. Tail Dragger. Standing Around Crying. Walking Through The Park. Decoration Day. The Goat. Got To Move. Big Ten Inch Record. Pride And Joy. Sitting On Top Of The World. All Your Love. I Miss Loving. Look On Yonder's Wall. Big Town Playboy. I Got Love If You Want It. Black Cat Bone. Somebody Loan Me A Dime. Checking On My Baby. Blue On Black. Phone Booth. Smoking Gun. Ain't Nobody's Business. Big Leg Woman. Midnight Train. Dirty Work At The Crossroads. Okie Dokie Stomp. I Got My Eyes on You. Easy Baby. A Man And The Blues. My Black Mama. Heartbreak Hotel. Parchman Farm Blues. Pony Blues. Ain't No Sunshine. Glamour Girl. Tuff Enuff. Messin' With The Kid. Standing At The Crossroads. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Give Me Back My Wig. As The Years Go Passing By. Help Me. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love. Boom Boom. Baby How Long. Baby Please Don't Go. Baby, Scratch My Back. Baby, What You Want Me To Do. Merry Christmas, Baby. Back Door Man. Bad Boy. St. Louis Blues. Cheaper To Keep Her. Day Of The Eagle. Long Distance Call. Rock Island Line. Before You Accuse Me. Take A Look At Yourself. Double Trouble. Big Boss Man. Blow, Wind, Blow. Blue Light. Let's Have A Natural Ball. Blues Before Sunrise. The Blues Had A Baby And They Named It Rock And Roll. The Blues Is Alright. Blues With A Feeling. Bo Diddley. Dimples. Pea Vine Blues. Boogie Chillen No. 2. Boom Boom. Out Go The Lights. Born Under A Bad Sign. Bottle Up And Go. Bourgeois Blues. Mama Talk To Your Daughter. Kidney Stew Blues. Bright Lights, Big City. If You Love Me Like You Say. Katie Mae. The Blues Never Die. Banty Rooster Blues. Build Myself A Cave. Born with the Blues. Ain't It Crazy. Blues Is A Feeling. Coffee Blues. It's Too Late To Cry. The Midnight Special. Saint James Infirmary. Built For Comfort. Bad Luck And Trouble. Black Mattie. Black Snake Moan. My Way Down. Caldonia. What Makes Your Big Head So Hard. They Call It. Stormy Monday. Stormy Monday Blues. Don't Take Advantage Of Me. Can't Hold Out Much Longer. Driving Wheel. Down Home Blues. Butterfly Blues. Don't The Moon Look Lonesome. You'll Need Somebody On Your Bond. Tired As I Can Be. Early This Morning. 'Bout The Break Of Day. Let Me Love You. Gangster Of Love. Tanqueray. Home Cooked Meal. Close To You. I Wanna Get. Cold Shot. Collins' Mix. Crosscut Saw. Cross Road Blues. Crossroads. Cryin' Won't Help You. Damn Right, I've Got The Blues. Deep Down In Florida. Don't You Lie To Me. I Get Evil. Dust My Broom. Early In The Mornin'. Empty Arms. Evil. Is Going On. Evil. Flip, Flop And Fly. Further On Up The Road. Gambler's Blues. Going Down Slow. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl. Good Rockin' Tonight. Goodnight, Irene. Got My Mo Jo Working. Have You Ever Loved A Woman. Help The Poor. Hey Hey. Hi-Heel Sneakers. Hidden Charms. Honey Bee. Hound Dog. The House Is Rockin'. How Many More Years. I Ain't Got You. I Ain't Superstitious. I Can't Be Satisfied. I Can't Quit You Baby. I Just Want To Make Love To You. I Know What You're Puttin' Down. I Wish You Would. I'd Rather Go Blind. I'm a King Bee. I'm A Man. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town. I'm In The Mood. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man. Ice Cream Man. It Hurts Me Too. It Serves Me Right To Suffer. Juke. Kansas City. Keep It To Yourself. Key To The Highway. Killing Floor. Leave My Girl Alone. Let Me Love You Baby. Let the Good TImes Roll. Little Red Rooster. Love Struck Baby. Mannish Boy. Matchbox. Moanin' At Midnight. Move It On Over. Mustang Sally. My Babe. Night Train. No Particular Place To Go. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Oh Pretty Woman. One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer. Organ Grinder Blues. Paying The Cost To Be The Boss. Please Send Me Someone To Love. Ramblin' On My Mind. Reconsider Baby. Rock Me Baby. Rollin' And Tumblin'. Rollin' Stone. Catfish Blues. Route 66. Saturday Night Fish Fry. Screamin' And Cryin'. See See Rider. She's Nineteen Years Old. The Sky Is Crying. Smokestack Lightning. Spoonful. Still A Fool. Still Got The Blues. Stormy Weather. Keeps Rainin' All the Time. Sweet Home Chicago. Sweet Little Angel. Texas Flood. Things Ain't What They Used To Be. The Things That I Used To Do. Three Hundred Pounds Of Joy. The Thrill is Gone. Tin Pan Alley. Trouble In Mind. Turn On Your Love Light. Wang Dang Doodle. Wham. Who's Been Talking. Why I Sing The Blues. Worried Life Blues. Bridge Of Sighs. Honky Tonk. Parts 1 & 2. T-Bone Shuffle. Frosty. Three O'clock Blues. Bring It On Home. You Can't Judge A Book By The Cover. Don't Go No Further. You Need Meat. You Shook Me. Statesboro Blues. Come On In My Kitchen. Drunken Hearted Man. From Four Until Late. I'm A Steady Rollin' Man. Steady Rollin' Man. Kind Hearted Woman Blues. Love In Vain Blues. Me And The Devil Blues. Preachin' Blues. Up Jumped The Devil. Stones In My Passway. Terraplane Blues. Traveling Riverside Blues. Unseen Eye. Aw Shucks, Hush Your Mouth. Honest I Do. Hush Hush. You Don't Have to Go. Chicago Bound. Don't Start Me To Talkin'. Eyesight To The Blind. Fattening Frogs For Snakes. Nine Below Zero. Your Funeral And My Trial. Wee Baby Blues. Big Road Blues. Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee. Broke And Hungry. Stone Crazy. A Quitter Never Wins. Rock Me Right. Every Day I Have The Blues. Louisiana Blues. How Long Blues. How Long, How Long Blues.Fordítás
A Real Blues Book. C Instruments. Főleg különböző. A C Instruments. Fake Book. 480 oldal. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.240264. ISBN 1423404513. 8.5x11 inch. 300 blues lényegét szerepelnek ebben a gyűjteményben. All Your Love. I Miss Loving. Baba kérem, ne menjen. Big Boss Man. Blues Before Sunrise. The Blues Is Alright. Boom Boom. Alatt született rossz jel. Olcsóbb tartani vele. Gyere a konyhámban. Fejező Saw. Átkozottul igaz, megvan a Blues. Dust My Broom. Every Day I Have a Blues. Gonosz. Öt hosszú évig. A továbbiakban az úton. Gangster of Love. Give Me Back My Paróka. Good Morning Kis iskolás. Got My Mo Jo Working. Have You Ever Loved a Woman. Elrejt. Mennyi ideig, How Long Blues. Nem vagyok Got You. I Got A szerelem, ha akarja. Én ledöntötték. Én vagyok a Hoochie Coochie Man. It Hurts Me Too. Juke. Kulcs a Highway. Killing Floor. Let Me Love You Baby. Nézd meg amott a fal. Mama Talk to Your Daughter. Mester Charge. Messin "a Kid. My Babe. Phone Booth. Pride and Joy. Felül Baba. A Rock Me Baby. Rock Me Right. Smokestack Lightning. Valaki kölcsönadja a Dime. Statesboro Blues. Úgy hívják, hogy. Viharos hétfő. Stormy Monday Blues. Sweet Home Chicago. Texas Flood. A dolog, hogy szoktam. A Thrill Is Gone. Wang Dang Doodle. és így tovább. Minden valódi könyvek jellemző több száz kipróbált dalok pontos szabályok a híres könnyen olvasható, kézzel írott jelölés a fésű-kötő. Ha nem szeretsz. Sétál "The Dog. Backwater Blues. Valami Inside Me. Harcsa Blues. Van néhány Help Nekem nem kell. Darlin 'Tudod Szeretlek. Öt hosszú évig. Kérem, fogadja My Love. Sweet Sixteen. Mérges Me Baby. Nyögött The Blues. Goin 'Idegenben Baba. Blues Leave Me Alone. Vallatás erőszakkal. Én ledöntötték. Egy nap, egy idő után. Majd Sorry. Felkeltem ma reggel. Ez rendben van. The Right Time. Átlag régi világ. Ez az én hibám Darlin '. Elrejt. Please Come Home For Christmas. Ball And Chain. Lie To Me. Louise. Három órával éjfél után. Beautician Blues. Kék árnyékok. Blue Guitar. Jégcsákány. My Baby Left Me. Right Place, Wrong Time. Csak egy érzés. Van To Love Her With A Feeling. Nem fogja aggódj életemnek. Lonesome Whistle Blues. So Many Roads, így sok Trains. Kereszttűz. Kész vagyok. Sietnem. How Blue Can You Get. Minden éj This Time. Looking Good. Ne Throw Your Love On Me olyan erős. Mester Charge. Ha a Trouble volt pénz. Chicago Smokeshop. Tail Dragger. Körülöttünk Crying. Séta a parkban. Dekoráció nap. The Goat. Got To Move. Big Ten Inch Record. Pride And Joy. Ül Top Of The World. All Your Love. I Miss Loving. Nézd amott a fal. Big Town Playboy. I Got A szerelem, ha akarja. Black Cat Bone. Valaki Hitel Me A Dime. Ellenőrzése On My Baby. Blue On Black. Phone Booth. Smoking Gun. Ez nem tartozik senkire. Big Leg Woman. Midnight Train. Dirty Work At The Crossroads. Okie dokie Stomp. I Got My Eyes on You. Egyszerű Baba. A Man And The Blues. A Fekete-Mama. Heartbreak Hotel. Parchman Farm Blues. Pony Blues. Nem No Sunshine. Glamour Girl. Tuff Enuff. Messin 'With The Kid. Állt a Crossroads. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Give Me Back My Paróka. Ahogy telnek az évek elhaladó. Segítsen. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love. Boom Boom. Baba Mennyi ideig. Baba kérem, ne menjen. Baby, Scratch My Back. Baby, mit akar, mit tegyek. Merry Christmas, Baby. Back Door Man. Bad Boy. St. Louis Blues. Cheaper To Keep Her. Day Of The Eagle. Távolsági hívás. Rock Island vonal. Mielőtt vádol. Take A Look At Yourself. Double Trouble. Big Boss Man. Blow, Wind, Blow. Blue Light. Vessünk egy természetes Ball. Blues Before Sunrise. A Blues egy gyerek volt, és ők nevezték el Rock And Roll. The Blues Is Alright. Blues With A Feeling. Bo Diddley. Dimples. Pea Vine Blues. Boogie Chillen No. 2. Boom Boom. Out Go The Lights. Born Under A Bad Sign. Bottle Up And Go. Bourgeois Blues. Mama Talk To Your Daughter. Vese Stew Blues. Bright Lights, Big City. Ha szereted Me Like You Say. Katie Mae. A Blues Never Die. Banty Rooster Blues. Építeni magamnak egy barlangban. Született a Blues. Hát nem őrült. Blues egy érzés. Coffee Blues. Ez túl késő sírni. A Midnight Special. Saint James Infirmary. Built For Comfort. Bad Luck és Hiba. Fekete Mattie. Black Snake Moan. My Way Down. Caldonia. Mi teszi a nagy fej olyan nehéz. Úgy hívják, hogy. Viharos hétfő. Stormy Monday Blues. Nem kihasználni Of Me. Nem tart ki sokáig. Hajtókerék. Csökkenő Home Blues. Butterfly Blues. Ne The Moon Nézd Lonesome. Majd kell valaki On Your Bond. Fáradt Ahogy lehet. Ma kora reggel. 'Bout a szünet nap. Let Me Love You. Gangster Of Love. Tanqueray. Otthon főtt étel. Close To You. Azt akarom, hogy. Cold Shot. Collins Mix. Fejező Saw. Cross Road Blues. Útkereszteződés. Cryin 'nem fog segíteni. Átkozottul igaz, Megvan a Blues. Mélyen Florida. Ne hazudj nekem. I Get Evil. Dust My Broom. Kora reggelt. Üres Arms. Gonosz. Folyik. Gonosz. Flip, Flop And Fly. További On Up The Road. Gambler's Blues. Going Down Slow. Good Morning Kis iskolás. Good Rockin 'Tonight. Goodnight, Irene. Got My Mo Jo Working. Have You Ever Loved A Woman. A szegények megsegítésére. Hey Hey. Hi-Heel Sneakers. Hidden Charms. Honey Bee. Hound Dog. A ház Rockin '. Hány évig. Nem vagyok Got You. Nem vagyok babonás. Azt nem lehet elégedett. Én nem Quit You Baby. I Just Want To Make Love To You. Én tudom, mit Puttin 'Down. Szeretném, ha. Inkább Go Blind. Én vagyok a király Bee. Én férfi vagyok. Megyek Move To The város külterületén. Én vagyok a Mood. Én vagyok a Hoochie Coochie Man. Ice Cream Man. It Hurts Me Too. Ez nem csalnak szenvedni. Juke. Kansas City. Tartsd meg magadnak. Key To The Highway. Killing Floor. Hagyjon My Girl Alone. Let Me Love You Baby. Hagyja, hogy a Good Times Roll. Little Red Rooster. Szerelem Struck Baba. Férfias Boy. Gyufaskatulya. Moanin 'At Midnight. Move It On Over. Mustang Sally. My Babe. Night Train. Nem Különös Place To Go. Senki nem tudja, hogy ha éppen le van égve. Oh Pretty Woman. Egy Bourbon, egy skót, egy sör. Organ Grinder Blues. A költségek kifizetése, hogy a főnök. Kérem, küldjenek valakit szeretni. Ramblin 'On My Mind. Felül Baba. A Rock Me Baby. Rollin 'And Tumblin ". Rollin 'Stone. Harcsa Blues. Route 66. Saturday Night Fish Fry. Screamin És Cryin '. Lásd See Rider. Ő tizenkilenc éves. A Sky Is Crying. Smokestack Lightning. Kanálnyi. Still A Fool. Still Got The Blues. Stormy Weather. Keeps Rainin 'All Time. Sweet Home Chicago. Édes kis angyal. Texas Flood. A dolgok nem az, amit régen. A Things That I Used To Do. Háromszáz kiló Joy. A Thrill Is Gone. Tin Pan Alley. Trouble In Mind. Turn On Your Love fény. Wang Dang Doodle. Wham. Ki beszélt. Miért Sing The Blues. Aggódó élet Blues. Sóhajok hídja. Honky Tonk. Alkatrész 1. T-Bone Shuffle. Fagyos. Három óra Blues. Bring It On Home. You Can't Judge A Book By The Cover. Nem megy tovább. Szüksége van Meat. You Shook Me. Statesboro Blues. Come On In My Kitchen. Drunken szívű ember. Négy késő. Én vagyok a Steady Rollin 'Man. Steady Rollin 'Man. Kedves szívű Woman Blues. Szerelem In Vain Blues. Me And The Devil Blues. Preachin 'Blues. Up Ugrott Az ördög. Stones In My passway. Terraplane Blues. Utazás Riverside Blues. Láthatatlan Eye. Ó vacak, csitt Your Mouth. Őszinte legyek,. Hush Hush. Önnek nem kell menni. Chicago Bound. Ne Start Me To Talkin '. Látás The Blind. Hizlalás békák A kígyók. Kilencezer Below Zero. A temetés és a tárgyalás. Wee Baby Blues. Big Road Blues. Ittál Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee. Broke és éhes. Kő Őrült. A Quitter sosem nyer. Rock Me Right. Every Day I Have The Blues. Louisiana Blues. Meddig Blues. Mennyi ideig, How Long Blues.Kedvencek
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