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The Great American Songbook - The Singers. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Fordítás
The Great American Songbook - The Singers. Különféle. Zongora, ének, gitár kotta. Voice kotta. Gitár kották.Forrás
The Great American Songbook - The Singers. Music and Lyrics for 100 Standards from the Golden Age of American Song. By Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 400 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311433. ISBN 1423430948. 9x12 inches. Crooners, wailers, shouters, balladeers – some of our greatest pop vocalists have poured their hearts and souls into the musical gems of the Great American Songbook. They sang in nightclubs and concert halls, on television and in films, and left us a legacy of recordings still in play today. Their interpretations entertained us, moved us to tears, and wove lyrics and music into the fabric of our lives, making us see ourselves in these quintessentially American songs. This folio features 100 of these classics by Louis Armstrong. Hello Dolly. What a Wonderful World. , Tony Bennett. I Left My Heart in San Francisco. , Rosemary Clooney. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep. , Nat “King” Cole. Route 66. , Bing Crosby. True Love. , Doris Day. Bewitched. , Ella Fitzgerald. How High the Moon. , Judy Garland. Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody. , Dean Martin. Everybody Loves Somebody. , Frank Sinatra. Young at Heart. , Barbra Streisand. People. , Mel Tormé. Heart and Soul. , and many, many more. You Belong To Me. All Of Me. I Love Being Here With You. All The Way. And I Love You So. Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home. Autumn Leaves. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Gypsy In My Soul. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea. Bewitched. Blame It On My Youth. Born Free. Cabaret. Call Me Irresponsible. Dear Ruby. Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep. Cry Me a River. Dancing On The Ceiling. Day by Day. Dearly Beloved. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Easy To Love. You'd Be So Easy To Love. Everybody Loves Somebody. Far Away Places. Fever. The Folks Who Live on the Hill. For All We Know. The Girl That I Marry. Gone With The Wind. Half As Much. Haunted Heart. Heart And Soul. Heat Wave. Hello, Dolly. How High The Moon. I Could Write A Book. I Don't Want To Walk Without You. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. I Wanna Be Loved. I Wish You Love. I'll Take Romance. I'll Walk Alone. I'm Old Fashioned. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm. If. The Impossible Dream. The Quest. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. It's A Most Unusual Day. It's Impossible. Somos Novios. The Lady is a Tramp. Like Someone In Love. Little White Lies. Lover. Lullaby Of Birdland. Manhattan. Memories Are Made Of This. Midnight Sun. Moonlight in Vermont. Mr. Wonderful. My Heart Belongs To Daddy. My Ship. The Party's Over. People. Put on a Happy Face. Ramblin' Rose. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody. Route 66. Second Hand Rose. Sentimental Journey. Shoo Fly Pie And Apple Pan Dowdy. Smile. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. The Song Is Ended. But The Melody Lingers On. Speak Low. A Sunday Kind Of Love. Sunrise, Sunset. Swinging on a Star. Love Is. The Tender Trap. Tenderly. That Old Black Magic. That's Entertainment. Till There Was You. Too Young. True Love. Unforgettable. The Very Thought of You. The Way You Look Tonight. What A Diff'rence A Day Made. What a Wonderful World. Where Or When. Where The Blue Of The Night. Meets The Gold Of The Day. Wives And Lovers. Hey, Little Girl. A Wonderful Guy. You're Breaking My Heart. Young At Heart. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. I Should Care. There Will Never Be Another You. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.Fordítás
The Great American Songbook - The Singers. Music and Lyrics 100 szabványok a Golden Age of American Song. Különböző. A Piano. Magánhangzói. Gitár. Terv. Magánhangzói. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 400 oldal. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.311433. ISBN 1423430948. 9x12 inches. Crooners, Wailers, kiabálók, balladeers - néhány, a legnagyobb pop énekes öntöttem szívüket és lelküket a zenei gyöngyszemeit a Great American Songbook. Énekeltek az éjszakai klubokban és a koncerttermekben, a televízióban és a filmekben, és hagyott ránk örökül a felvételek még játékban ma. A értelmezések szórakoztat minket, költözött hozzánk a könnyek, és szőtte dalszöveg és a zene a szövet életünk, hogy lássuk magunkat ezekben a kvintesszenciáját amerikai dalok. Ez folio jellemzői 100 ilyen klasszikusok Louis Armstrong. Hello Dolly. Mi a Wonderful World. , Tony Bennett. Én hagytam a Heart in San Francisco. , Rosemary Clooney. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep. , Nat "King" Cole. Route 66. , Bing Crosby. True Love. , Doris Day. Megbabonázott. , Ella Fitzgerald. How High Hold. , Judy Garland. Rock-a-Bye babája a Dixie Melody. , Dean Martin. Everybody Loves Somebody. , Frank Sinatra. Young at Heart. , Barbra Streisand. Emberek. Mel Tormé. Szív és lélek. , És még sok-sok. You Belong To Me. All Of Me. Imádok itt veled. All The Way. És Szeretlek így. Minden hely, Tarts My Hat ad otthont. Autumn Leaves. Baby, ez hideg van kint. Gypsy In My Soul. Között az ördög és a Deep Blue Sea. Megbabonázott. Blame It On My Youth. Born Free. Kabaré. Hívjon Felelőtlen. Kedves Ruby. Gróf Az Áldás helyett juhok. Cry Me A River. Dancing On The Ceiling. Nap mint nap. Szeretteim. Gyémántok egy lány legjobb barátja. Könnyű szeretni. Lenne olyan könnyű szeretni. Everybody Loves Somebody. Far Away Places. Láz. Az emberek, akik élnek a hegy. For All We Know. A lány, akit feleségül. Elfújta a szél. Fele annyi. Haunted Szív. Szív és lélek. Hőhullám. Hello, Dolly. How High The Moon. I Could könyvet írni. Én nem szeretne Walk Without You. Én Bal My Heart In San Francisco. I Wanna Be Loved. I Wish You Love. Elviszem Romance. Én Walk Alone. Én régimódi. Megvan a Love To Keep Me Warm. Ha. Lehetetlen álom. A Quest. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. Ez egy rendkívül szokatlan nap. Ez lehetetlen. Mi Ismerkedés. A hölgy a Tramp. Mintha valaki In Love. Little White Lies. Szerető. Lullaby Of Birdland. Manhattan. Memories Are Made Of This. Midnight Sun. Moonlight in Vermont. Mr. Wonderful. My Heart tartozik apucihoz. A hajóm. A párt több mint. Emberek. Tedd a boldog arc. Ramblin 'Rose. Rock-A-Bye babája With A Dixie Melody. Route 66. Second Hand Rose. Sentimental Journey. Shoo Fly Pie Az Apple Pan Dowdy. Mosoly. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. A dal véget ért. De a dallam megmarad. Speak Low. A vasárnap Kind Of Love. Sunrise, Sunset. Swinging on a Star. Love Is. A Tender Trap. Gyengéden. That Old Black Magic. Az Entertainment. Till Volt You. Too Young. True Love. Felejthetetlen. The Very Thought of You. The Way You Look Tonight. What A Diff'rence A Day Made. Mi a Wonderful World. Hol és mikor. Ahol a kék Of The Night. Megfelel az Arany Of The Day. Feleségek és szerelmesek. Hé, kicsi lány. A Wonderful Guy. Te Breaking My Heart. Young at Heart. A legszebb lány a világon. Azt kellene Care. There Will Never Be Another You. Ez Amora. Ez a szerelem.Kedvencek
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