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The TV Fake Book. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.Fordítás
The TV Fake Book. Különféle. Zongora, ének, gitár kotta. Voice kotta. Gitár kották. Közbülső.Forrás
The TV Fake Book composed by Various. For Guitar, Piano. Keyboard, Vocal. Hal Leonard Fake Books. TV. Difficulty. medium. Fakebook. leadsheet notation. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and leadsheet notation. 96 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240032. ISBN 0793537622. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and leadsheet notation. TV. 9x12 inches. 200 favorite TV themes, including. The Addams Family. Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The Benny Hill Show. The Beverly Hillbillies. Bewitched. Bonanza. The Brady Bunch. Cheers. Where Everybody Knows Your Name. Entertainment Tonight. Happy Days. I Love Lucy. Laverne and Shirley. Making Our Dreams Come True. Mission. Impossible. The Monkees. Sesame Street. Star Trek - The Next Generation. The Bugs Bunny Show. and more. A "fake book" contains songs written in a concise format that includes only the melody and chords, letting you interpret the song's performance as you feel is appropriate. This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody. This melody will have the lyrics written beneath the notes, with each word aligned to its corresponding note. Above the notes of the melody will appear the names of the appropriate chords to play - for example, a "C minor" chord would be written as "Cmin" or Cm", rather than writing out all of the notes in those chords as they appeared in the original version of the song. This format is very compact, which is why you will often see fakebooks containing 500 or more songs. Roll Along. Wagon Train. 77 Sunset Strip. 7th Heaven Main Theme. A Year In The Life. Adam 12 Theme. Alfred Hitchcock Presents. American Idol Theme. Angela. Ballad Of Jed Clampett. Bandstand Boogie. Battlestar Galactica. Beavis And Butthead Theme. TV. Beverly Hills 90210. Main Theme. Bob The Builder 'Intro Theme Song'. Bonanza. Boss Of Me. Theme From Malcolm In The Middle. Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major, First Movement Excerpt. Bubbles In The Wine. Call To Glory. Casper the Friendly Ghost. Chicago Hope. Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers Theme Song. Cleveland Rocks. Closer To Free. Come On Get Happy. Day by Day. Dear John. Dennis The Menace. Desperate Housewives Main Title. Dick Van Dyke Show Theme. Different Worlds. Dinosaurs Main Title. Dobie. Donna Reed Theme. Doogie Howser, M.D. Theme. Dragnet. Drive. DuckTales Theme. Dynasty Theme. Entertainment Tonight. Equalizer - Main Title. Everyone Makes Mistakes. Father Knows Best Theme. Felix The Wonderful Cat. Fractured Fairy Tales. Fraggle Rock Theme. Futurama Theme. Get Smart. Gillette Look Sharp March. Good Old Days. Little Rascals Theme. Green Acres Theme. HBO Main Theme. Hall Or Nothing. Hands Of Time. Happy Days. Happy Trails. Harlem Nocturne. Hawaiian Eye. Hazel. Hercules. The Legendary Journeys. Here With Me. Hill Street Blues Theme. Hogan's Heroes March. Home Improvement. Home To Emily. I Don't Want To Live On The Moon. I Don't Want To Wait. I Love Lucy. I'm Always Here. I'm Popeye the Sailor Man. I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together. Imagine That. It's Howdy Doody Time. Jeannie. Jeopardy Theme. Johnny's Theme. Keep Your Eye On The Sparrow. Knight Rider Theme. Kojak. Law And Order. Liberty Bell March. Linus And Lucy. Little Lulu. Love American Style. Love And Marriage. Love Boat Theme. MacGyver. Major Dad. Making Our Dreams Come True. Mannix. Mariko Love Theme. McHale's Navy March. Melrose Place Theme. Miami Vice. Mickey Mouse March. Mission. Impossible Theme. Mister Ed. Mork And Mindy. Murder, She Wrote. My Gidget. Mystery. NFL On Fox Theme. Nadia's Theme. National Geographic Theme. Nelson Riddle's New Naked City Theme. Nero Wolfe. Northern Exposure. Main Title. Octopus Blues. One Fine Face. One Small Voice. People In Your Neighborhood. Perry Mason Theme. Petticoat Junction. Put Your Dreams Away. For Another Day. Quantum Leap. Quincy. Rawhide. Robin Hood. Rocky & Bullwinkle. Rubber Duckie. SeaQuest DSV. Searchin' My Soul. Seattle. Secret Agent Man. Seems Like Old Times. Sesame Street Theme. Simon And Simon. Solid Gold. Song From Buck Rogers. SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song. St. Elsewhere. Star Trek - Deep Space Nine. Star Trek - The Next Generation. Tales From The Crypt Theme. That Was The Week That Was. The Addams Family Theme. The Avengers Theme. The Ballad Of Davy Crockett. The Brady Bunch. The Grouch Song. The Incredible Hulk. The Ironside Theme. The Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp. The Little House. On The Prairie. The Masterpiece. The Mighty Mouse Theme. Here I Come To Save The Day. The Mommies. The Munsters Theme. The Muppet Show Theme. The Naked Gun From The Files Of Police Squad. The Name Of The Game. The Odd Couple. The Real McCoys. The Rockford Files. The Secret Of Silent Hills. The Toy Parade. Theme From 'Alf'. Theme From 'Beauty And The Beast'. Theme From 'Ben Casey'. Theme From 'Bewitched'. Theme From 'Coach'. Theme From 'Frasier'. Theme From 'Magnum, P.I.'. Theme From 'Route 66'. Theme From 'Star Trek. Theme From 'The A Team'. Theme From 'The Greatest American Hero'. Theme From 'The Monkees'. Hey, Hey We're The Monkees. Theme From 'The Untouchables'. Theme From Barnaby Jones. Theme From Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Theme From Columbo. Theme From Family Guy. Theme From King Of The Hill. Theme From Six Million Dollar Man. Theme From Spider Man. Theme From The Simpsons. Theme From The X-Files. Theme From Zorro. Then Came You. This Could Be The Start Of Something Big. This Is It. Thomas The Tank Engine. Main Title. Three's Company Theme. Twin Peaks Theme. Victory At Sea. WKRP In Cincinnati. Main Theme. Welcome Back. Where Everybody Knows Your Name. William Tell Overture. Winds Of War. Love Theme. Wings. With A Little Help From My Friends. Without Us. Woke Up This Morning. Won't You Be My Neighbor. It's a Beautiful Day In This Neighborhood. Woody Woodpecker. Xena. Warrior Princess. Yakety Sax. You Look At Me.Fordítás
A TV Fake Book álló különféle. Gitár, zongora. Billentyűzet, Vocal. Hal Leonard Fake Books. TV. Nehézség. közepes. Fakebook. leadsheet jelölés. Vocal dallam, dalszövegek, akkord neveket és a leadsheet jelölés. 96 oldal. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.240032. ISBN 0793537622. A vokális dallam, dalszövegek, akkord neveket és a leadsheet jelölés. TV. 9x12 inches. 200 kedvenc TV-témák, beleértve a. The Addams Family. Alfred Hitchcock Presents. A Benny Hill megjelenítése. The Beverly Hillbillies. Megbabonázott. Váratlan szerencse. A Brady Bunch. Egészségére. Ahol mindenki tudja a neved. Entertainment Tonight. Happy Days. I Love Lucy. Laverne and Shirley. Ami a mi álmok valóra válnak. Küldetés. Lehetetlen. A Monkees. Sesame Street. Star Trek - The Next Generation. The Bugs Bunny Show. és így tovább. A "hamis könyv" tartalmaz dalokat írt tömör formában, amely csak a dallam és akkordok, hagyta, hogy értelmezi a dal teljesítményét úgy érzi, megfelelő. Ez nagyszerű gyors tanulás dalokat egyedül, vagy egy együttes. Minden egyes dal egy hamis könyvben csak egy dallam valóban írt ki a megjegyzések, amelyeket általában a vokális vagy ólmot dallam. Ez a dallam lesz a dalszövegeket írt alá a jegyzeteket, és minden egyes szót igazodik annak megfelelő megjegyzés. Felett a jegyzeteket, a dallam jelenik meg a nevét a megfelelő akkordokat játszani - például a "c-moll" akkord lenne írva a "Cmin" vagy Cm ", nem pedig írásban ki az összes jegyzetének azok akkordok, ahogy jelent meg az eredeti változata a dal. Ez a formátum nagyon kompakt, ezért ezt gyakran fakebooks, amely 500 vagy annál több dal. Hömpölyög. Vonatcsapat. 77 Sunset Strip. 7th Heaven fő témája. A Year In The Life. Adam 12 Theme. Alfred Hitchcock Presents. American Idol Theme. Angela. Ballad Of Jed Clampett. Bandstand Boogie. Battlestar Galactica. Beavis és Butthead Theme. Tv. Beverly Hills 90210. Fő témája. Bob The Builder "Intro Theme Song". Váratlan szerencse. Boss Of Me. Theme Malcolm In The Middle. Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 F-dúr, első tétel Részlet. Bubbles In The Wine. Call To Glory. Casper, a barátságos szellem. Chicago Hope. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Theme Song. Cleveland Rocks. Closer To Free. Come On Get Happy. Nap mint nap. Dear John. Dennis The Menace. Született feleségek főcím. Dick Van Dyke Show Theme. Különböző világ. Dinosaurs Main Title. Dobie. Donna Reed Theme. Doogie Howser, M.D. Theme. Merítőháló. Hajtás. DuckTales Theme. Dynasty Theme. Entertainment Tonight. Equalizer - főcím. Everyone Makes Mistakes. Father Knows Best Theme. Félix The Wonderful Cat. Fractured Fairy Tales. Fraggle rock Theme. Futurama Theme. Get Smart. Gillette Look Sharp márciusban. Good Old Days. Little Rascals Theme. Green Acres Theme. HBO Main Theme. Hall vagy a Semmi. Hands Of Time. Happy Days. Happy Trails. Harlem Nocturne. Hawaiian Eye. Mogyoróbokor. Herkules. The Legendary Journeys. Itt van velem. Hill Street Blues Theme. Hogan Heroes március. Lakásfelújítás. Kezdőlap Emily. Én nem szeretne élni a Holdon. Én Nem akarok várni. I Love Lucy. I'm Always Here. Én vagyok, Popeye, a tengerész Man. I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together. Imagine That. Ez Howdy Doody idő. Jeannie. Jeopardy Theme. Johnny Theme. Keep Your Eye On The Sparrow. Knight Rider Theme. Kojak. Law And Order. Liberty Bell március. Linus és Lucy. Little Lulu. Szerelem American Style. Szerelem és a házasság. Love Boat Theme. MacGyver. Major Dad. Ami a mi álmok valóra válnak. Mannix. Mariko Love Theme. McHale's Navy March. Melrose Place Theme. Miami Vice. Mickey Mouse március. Küldetés. Impossible Theme. Mister Ed. Mork és Mindy. Gyilkos sorok. My Gidget. Rejtély. NFL On Fox Theme. Nadia Theme. National Geographic Theme. Nelson Riddle New Naked City Theme. Nero Wolfe. Northern Exposure. Főoldal cím. Octopus Blues. One Fine Face. Egy kis hang. Az emberek a környéken. Perry Mason Theme. Petticoat Junction. Put Your Dreams idegenbeli. Az Another Day. Quantum Leap. Quincy. Nyersbőr. Robin Hood. Sziklás. Rubber Duckie. SeaQuest DSV. Searchin' My Soul. Seattle. Secret Agent Man. Úgy tűnik, mint a régi időkben. Sesame Street Theme. Simon és Simon. Solid Gold. Dalt Buck Rogers. SpongyaBob Kockanadrág Theme Song. St. Elsewhere. Star Trek - Deep Space Nine. Star Trek - The Next Generation. Tales From The Crypt Theme. Ez volt a héten, hogy volt. Az Addams Family Theme. The Avengers Theme. A Ballad Of Davy Crockett. A Brady Bunch. A Grouch Song. The Incredible Hulk. The Ironside Theme. Az élet és Legend Of Wyatt Earp. The Little House. On The Prairie. A Masterpiece. A Mighty Mouse Theme. Itt Come To Save The Day. Az Anyukák. The Munsters Theme. A Muppet Show Theme. Csupasz pisztoly a Files of Police Squad. A név a játék. The Odd Couple. The Real McCoys. A Rockford Files. The Secret Of Silent Hills. The Toy Parade. Theme From "Alf". Theme From "Szépség és a Szörnyeteg". Theme From 'Ben Casey ". Theme From 'Bewitched ". Theme From "Coach". Theme From "Frasier". Theme From 'Magnum, P. I. ". Theme From "Route 66". Theme From 'Star Trek. Theme From "The A Team". Theme From 'The Greatest American Hero ". Theme From "The Monkees". Hey, Hey We're The Monkees. Theme From "The Untouchables". Theme A Barnaby Jones. Téma A Buffy, a vámpírok réme. Theme A Columbo. Theme A Family Guy. Theme A King Of The Hill. Theme A Six Million Dollar Man. Theme A Spider Man. Theme From The Simpsons. Theme From The X-Files. Theme From Zorro. Then Came You. Ez lehet a kezdete valami nagy. This Is It. Thomas The Tank Engine. Főoldal cím. Three cég Theme. Twin Peaks Theme. Victory At Sea. WKRP A Cincinnati. Fő témája. Welcome Back. Ahol mindenki tudja a neved. Tell Vilmos nyitány. Winds Of War. Love Theme. Színfalak. With A Little Help From My Friends. Without Us. Felkeltem ma reggel. Nem Leszel a szomszéd. Ez egy szép nap ezen a környéken. Woody Woodpecker. Xena. Warrior Princess. Yakety Sax. You Look At Me.Kedvencek
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