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100 Years of Popular Music. 70s. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.Fordítás
100 Years of Popular Music. 70-es évek. Különféle. Zongora, ének, gitár kotta. Voice kotta. Elektromos gitár kotta.Forrás
100 Years of Popular Music. 70s. 100 Years of Popular Music. By Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. C Mixed Folio. Piano. Vocal. Chords. 100 Years of Popular Music. Pop and 1970s. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 256 pages. Hal Leonard #MFM0312. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.321486. ISBN 0757912923. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop and 1970s. 9x12 inches. Fifty-nine titles including. Best of My Love. The Eagles. Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe. Barry White. Crocodile Rock. Elton John. Dancing Queen. ABBA. Evil Ways. Santana. I Will Survive. Gloria Gaynor. Lay Down Sally. Eric Clapton. Sweet Home Alabama. Lynyrd Skynyrd. and many more. Warner Bros. Publications presents this new series showcasing the most popular songs from every decade in the 20th Century plus the beginning of the 21st Century. Many of the tunes are American gems that will forever stand the test of time, truly becoming a mainstay with every piano player young and old alike. Ain't No Woman. Like the One I've Got. All By Myself. American Pie. Annie's Song. Behind Closed Doors. Black Water. Blue Bayou. Boogie Fever. Can't Get Enough of Your Love Babe. Can't Smile Without You. They Long To Be. Close To You. Could it be I'm Falling in Love. Crocodile Rock. Dancing Queen. Do It Again. Don't Go Breaking My Heart. Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. Don't Pull Your Love. Escape. the Pina Colada Song. Evil Ways. Feel Like Makin' Love. Give Me Just A Little More Time. Heart Of Gold. Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel. Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling A. Hey There Lonely Girl. I Got a Name. I Will Survive. I'll Be Around. Whenever You Want Me. If You Don't Know Me By Now. If You Love Me. Let Me Know. In The Summertime. It Only Takes A Minute. Last Night. I Didn't Get to Sleep At All. Lay Down Sally. Love Is Alive. Love Won't Let Me Wait. Macarthur Park. Mama Told Me. Not to Come. Midnight Train To Georgia. My Baby Loves Lovin'. My Melody Of Love. Nights In White Satin. Old Time Rock & Roll. Philadelphia Freedom. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. from "Butch Cassidy & the. Rich Girl. Sister Golden Hair. Sky High. Sundown. Sweet Home Alabama. The Best of My Love. The Way I Want to Touch You. Too Much Too Little Too Late. Undercover Angel. When I Need You. When Will I See You Again. You Needed Me.Fordítás
100 Years of Popular Music. 70-es évek. 100 Years of Popular Music. Különböző. A Piano. Magánhangzói. Gitár. C vegyes Folio. Terv. Magánhangzói. Chords. 100 Years of Popular Music. Pop és 1970-es. Songbook. Vocal dallam, dalszövegek, zongorakísérettel, akkord neveket és a gitár akkord diagramok. 256 oldal. Hal Leonard. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.321486. ISBN 0757912923. A vokális dallam, dalszövegek, zongorakísérettel, akkord neveket és a gitár akkord diagramok. Pop és 1970-es. 9x12 inches. Ötvenkilenc címek, beleértve a. A legjobb a My Love. Az Eagles. Nem lehet betelni a Your Love, Babe. Barry White. Crocodile Rock-. Elton John. Dancing Queen. ABBA. Evil Ways. Santana. I Will Survive. Gloria Gaynor. Lay Down Sally. Eric Clapton. Sweet Home Alabama. Lynyrd Skynyrd. és még sok más. Warner Bros. Kiadványok bemutatja ez az új sorozat bemutató a legnépszerűbb dalok minden évtizedben a 20. században, valamint az elején a 21. század. Sok a dallamok amerikai drágaköveket, hogy örökre állni az idő próbáját, valóban egyre támasza minden zongorista fiatalok és idősek egyaránt. Nem No Woman. Mint az egyik megvan. All By Myself. American Pie. Annie Song. Behind Closed Doors. Black Water. Blue Bayou. Boogie Fever. Nem lehet betelni a Your Love Babe. Nem Smile Without You. Ezek hosszú ahhoz, hogy. Close To You. Lehet, hogy én vagyok Falling in Love. Crocodile Rock-. Dancing Queen. Csináld újra. Ne Go Breaking My Heart. Ne It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. Ne húzza Your Love. Menekülés. A Pina Colada Song. Evil Ways. Feel Like Makin 'Love. Adj egy kis időt. Arany Szív. Mennyekben hiányzik egy angyal. Itt jön az a Rainy Day Feeling A. Hé Van Lonely Girl. I Got a név. I Will Survive. Én leszek a közelben. Amikor You Want Me. Ha nem Know Me By Now. Ha szeretsz. Hadd tudja,. In The Summertime. Csak egy perc. Tegnap este. Nem tudtam, hogy aludni egyáltalán. Lay Down Sally. Love Is Alive. Love Won't Let Me Wait. MacArthur Park. Mama Told Me. Hogy ne jöjjön. Midnight Train To Georgia. My Baby Loves Lovin '. My Melody Of Love. Nights in White Satin. Old Time Rock-. Philadelphia Freedom. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'On My Head. A "Butch Cassidy. Gazdag lány. Nővér Arany haj. Sky High. Napnyugta. Sweet Home Alabama. The Best of My Love. Ahogyan szeretném megérinteni. Túl sok túl későn. Undercover Angel. Ha szükségem van rád. When Will I See You Again. Hogy szükséged van rám.Kedvencek
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