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Brian Wilson - Selections from Live at the Roxy Theatre - Piano Software. Brian Wilson. Piano sheet music.


Brian Wilson - Válogatás a Live, a Roxy Theatre - Piano Szoftver. Brian Wilson. Piano kotta.


Brian Wilson - Selections from Live at the Roxy Theatre - Piano Software. PianoSoft Plus Audio. By Brian Wilson. Arranged by Bryan Pezzone. For Disklavier. Yamaha Pianosoft Plus Audio. CD only. Published by Yamaha. HL.503474. Featuring the incomparable legend Brian Wilson on vocals and Bryan Pezzone on piano, this PianoSoft Plus Audio CD assembles 11 songs from Wilson's 2000 release Live at the Roxy Theatre , his first live solo album. It includes top tunes from his tenure with The Beach Boys, and from his solo career. The Little Girl I Once Knew. Kiss Me Baby. Do It Again. California Girls. I Get Around. In My Room. Add Some Music to Your Day. Please Let Me Wonder. 'Til I Die. God Only Knows. Good Vibrations. I Get Around. God Only Knows. Please Let Me Wonder. Add Some Music To Your Day. 'Til I Die. Kiss Me Baby. California Girls. In My Room. The Little Girl I Once Knew. Do It Again. Good Vibrations.


Brian Wilson - Válogatás a Live, a Roxy Theatre - Piano Szoftver. PianoSoft Plus Audio. A Brian Wilson. Által szervezett Bryan Pezzone. A Disklavier. Yamaha Pianosoft Plus Audio. CD esetén. Kiadja a Yamaha. HL.503474. Featuring a páratlan legenda Brian Wilson vokál és Bryan Pezzone zongorán, ez PianoSoft Plus Audio CD szerel össze 11 dalt Wilson 2000 kiadás Live at a Roxy Theatre, az első élő szólóalbuma. Ez magában foglalja felső dallamok az ő hivatali ideje a The Beach Boys, és szólókarrierbe. A kislány, akit ismertem. Kiss Me Baba. Csináld újra. California Girls. I Get Around. In My Room. Add Néhány Music a nap. Kérjük, Let Me Wonder. 'Til I Die. Isten tudja,. Good Vibrations. I Get Around. Isten tudja,. Kérjük, Let Me Wonder. Add Néhány Music a nap. 'Til I Die. Kiss Me Baba. California Girls. In My Room. A kislány, akit ismertem. Csináld újra. Good Vibrations.