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The Real Book - Volume IV. Various. B-Flat Instrument sheet music.Fordítás
The Real Book - Volume IV. Különféle. B-Flat Instrument kották.Forrás
The Real Book - Volume IV. B-flat Edition. By Various. By Various. For Bb Instruments. Fake Book. Softcover. 512 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.103348. ISBN 1476818436. 8.5x11 inches. Since the 1970s, The Real Book has been the most popular book for gigging jazz musicians. Hal Leonard is proud to publish completely legal and legitimate editions of the original volumes as well as exciting new volumes to carry on the tradition to new generations of players in all styles of music. All the Real Books feature hundreds of time-tested songs in accurate arrangements in the famous easy-to-read, hand-written notation with comb-binding. This all-new 4th volume presents 400 more songs, not previously available in any other volume. Includes. Ashes to Ashes. Button up Your Overcoat. Cocktails for Two. Days of Wine and Roses. Down with Love. A Foggy Day. In London Town. The Good Life. Home. I Got Rhythm. I Hadn't Anyone Till You. If You Could See Me Now. Just Friends. Kansas City. Linus and Lucy. Lonely Girl. Maybe This Time. My Bells. Night and Day. On Broadway. On Green Dolphin Street. Only the Lonely. The Pink Panther. Puttin' on the Ritz. Relaxin' at the Camarillo. Reunion Blues. The Sermon. The Shadow of Your Smile. Side by Side. Smile. Summertime. Sunny. Them There Eyes. and many more. Editions also available in C, E-flat, and Bass Clef. Hindustan. Curves Ahead. Home. Don't You Know I Care. Or Don't You Care To Know. Not Really the Blues. Wabash. Two Bass Hit. Friends. Cake Walking Babies From Home. Serengeti Walk. Slippin' In The Back Door. Sookie Sookie. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Azure-Te. Paris Blues. Adios. Hideaway. On The Border. Lost. So Sorry Please. The Tokyo Blues. After The Rain. Happy Go Lucky Local. The Mooch. The Man With The Horn. I Didn't Know About You. Elevation. Theme For Jobim. Walk On By. Aunt Hagar's Blues. Straight Ahead. Goodbye. All Night Long. Smile. Light as a Feather. The Wind. Blues For Junior. So Easy. Samba Cantina. Blues In Time. Key Largo. Helen's Song. I Told Ya I Love Ya Now Get Out. Down Under. Movin' Along. Sid's Twelve. Sneakin' Up Behind You. A Hundred Years From Today. Lonely Girl. Buster's Last Stand. SeÃor Mouse. Gettin' Over The Blues. Hoe-Down. I'm Gonna Go Fishin'. The Chicken. Dragonfly. Noblesse. Wallflower. The Good Life. Humpty Dumpty. Ashes To Ashes. Angela. Quasimodo. If You Could See Me Now. Always True To You In My Fashion. Mirror, Mirror. Lean On Me. O Pato. The Duck. Outra Vez. Who. Jump For Joy. Low Down And Dirty. Clockwise. Only The Lonely. Green Haze. 245. Down. And All That Jazz. Ivy. Maybe You'll Be There. Night Lights. What You Won't Do For Love. Talk To Me. Star Song. A Song for You. Bremond's Blues. Street Life. Revelation. Apple Core. It's You. Duke's Place. How Little We Know. Tears Inside. Dexter Digs In. Dextivity. Long Tall Dexter. Settin' The Pace. When Will The Blues Leave. Brown Hornet. Jayne. Theme From Spider Man. As Long As He Needs Me. As We Speak. Blues In Frankie's Flat. Come Dance With Me. El Hombre. Nightwings. Baby Elephant Walk. To Love And Be Loved. Back In Your Own Backyard. Bag's New Groove. Too Young To Go Steady. Summertime. Ballin' the Jack. Bandstand Boogie. Make Believe. My Bells. A Night On Bop Mountain. Real Love. Lilac Wine. The Disguise. Love Wise. Are You Real. Way Out West. Opus De Funk. The Best is Yet to Come. Bill. Birds Of A Feather. Blackbird. Heartaches. Spain. Gypsy Jingle-Jangle. Step Lightly. Born To Be Blue. Sleep Warm. There's No You. Boy Meets Horn. But She's My Buddy's Chick. Six And Four. Come Candellia. Federico. Las Guajiras. Manila. Sabroso. Whistling Away the Dark. Effendi. Sir John. Short Stuff. Red's Good Groove. Ginza Samba. O.P. Button Up Your Overcoat. Ol' Man River. Allen's Alley. Sticks. Loose Ends. Break Out The Blues. Blue Friday. Blue Soul. Blues The Most. The Sermon. Ugetsu. Whap. 64 Bars on Wilshire. Swinging At The Haven. Hear Ye. Black Byrd. Reunion Blues. You're Looking At Me. Sultry Serenade. How Could You Do A Thing Like That To Me. Can't Buy Me Love. The Girl With His Smile And My Eyes. I Wouldn't Trade You. Baby Just Come Home To Me. Oh How My Heart Beats For You. Just Friends. The Cape Verdean Blues. Ginger Bread Boy. Bird Song. John's Bunch. You Are There. If I Were Blue. I Could Eat Your Words. Change Of Season. Screamin' The Blues. Charade. They Say It's Spring. Christmas Time Is Here. Chasing The Bird. Flamingo. Nothing Personal. Voyage. Opus One. Christopher Columbus. The Christmas Song. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. Chromozone. Round Up The Usual Suspects. Kim. Close As Pages In A Book. Cocktails For Two. Comes Love. Daddy. Dahomey Dance. Dance Only With Me. Days Of Wine And Roses. Deacon Blues. Dear Heart. Deep Purple. Dinner For One, Please James. Do I Love You. Doctor Jazz. Doodlin'. Maybe This Time. Down With Love. Bopzilla. I Saw Stars. Sonor. Fuchsia Swing Song. Mr. Lucky. A Cool Shade Of Blue. I Got Rhythm. Moment To Moment. Symphony. The Earl. Everybody Loves My Baby. But My Baby Don't Love Nobody But Me. Every Day I Have The Blues. Ev'rything I've Got. A Felicidade. Festive Minor. Flip, Flop And Fly. Children Of The Night. A Foggy Day. In London Town. For You, For Me For Evermore. Give Me The Night. Goin' Out Of My Head. Golden Earrings. On Green Dolphin Street. Guess Who I Saw Today. The Gypsy. Hallelujah, I Love Her So. Happy With The Blues. Hit The Road To Dreamland. A House Is Not A Home. I Can Dream, Can't I. I Got a Woman. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan. I Hadn't Anyone Till You. I Love Lucy. I Love My Baby. My Baby Loves Me. I Remember Duke. I Say A Little Prayer. I See Your Face Before Me. I Shot The Sheriff. I Walk With Music. I'd Rather Be Blue Over You. I'm A Dreamer Aren't We All. I've Got My Eyes On You. I've Got Your Number. If Ever I Would Leave You. If I Ruled the World. In a Silent Way. The 'In' Crowd. In The Arms Of Love. In The Blue Of Evening. Inner Space. Intermission Riff. It Was A Very Good Year. It Was Written In The Stars. It's Magic. Ja-Da. Jeru. Johnny One-Note. Johnny's Theme. The Joint Is Jumpin'. Kansas City. Killing Me Softly with His Song. Ko Ko. Lament For Booker. Lester Left Town. Let There Be You. Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries. Linus And Lucy. Lisa. Lollipops And Roses. Lovely To Look At. Mad About Him, Sad Without Him, How Can I Be Glad Without Him Blues. Mad About The Boy. MaÃana. Memphis In June. Minor Swing. Minute By Minute. Mission To Moscow. Mission. Impossible Theme. Moon Over Miami. Moonlight Cocktail. Mr. Wonderful. Nagasaki. Never Never Land. Night and Day. Nippon Soul. O Morro Nao Tem Vez. Favela. Somewhere In The Hills. Ole Buttermilk Sky. On Broadway. Once Upon A Summertime. One Mint Julep. Open Country. Our Day Will Come. Palladium. Parker's Mood. Paul's Pal. Perfidia. Personality. Peter Gunn. The Pink Panther. Please Send Me Someone To Love. Puttin' on the Ritz. Relaxin' At The Camarillo. A Remark You Made. Ribbon In The Sky. River, Stay 'Way From My Door. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. Serenade To A Bus Beat. The Shadow Of Your Smile. Shivers. Side by Side. Simple Samba. Sir Duke. Skating. Snakes. Solo Flight. Somebody Else Is Taking My Place. Some Day. You'll Want Me To Want You. Someone To Light Up My Life. Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Voce. South Of The Border. Down Mexico Way. Spinning Wheel. Strange Fruit. Stuffy. Sugar Blues. Sunny. Sunrise Serenade. Sure Thing. Swanee. Sway. Quien Sera. The Sweetheart Tree. Taking A Chance On Love. That's Life. That's My Desire. Them There Eyes. Thermo. This Love Of Mine. Too Darn Hot. Tuxedo Junction. Two Sleepy People. Up With The Lark. West End Blues. Western Reunion. What a Fool Believes. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve. What'd I Say. When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along. When The World Was Young. Why Can't You Behave. Why Was I Born. With The Wind And The Rain In Your Hair. A Wonderful Guy. All Too Soon. Yes Sir, That's My Baby. You Are My Sunshine. You Call It Madness. But I Call It Love. You Came A Long Way From St. Louis. You're the Cream in My Coffee. Young And Foolish. Resolution. Part II. Samba Song. Twelve Tone Tune. Listen Here. Punk Jazz. Compared to What. Laurie. Nigerian Marketplace. River People. Save Your Love For Me. Three Views of a Secret. Unit 7. Devil May Care. You're Everything. Goin' To Minton's. Miss Fine. One For Helen. Letter To Evan. 34 Skidoo. Jamento. Somewhere Along The Way. Born To Be Bad. Don't Be That Way. Bim-Bom. If You Go. Djangology. Swing 42. Ãguas De MarÃo. Waters Of March. It's A Lonesome Old Town. When You're Not Around. Senor Blues.Fordítás
The Real Book - Volume IV. B-flat Edition. Különböző. Különböző. BB Instruments. Fake Book. Softcover. 512 oldal. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.103348. ISBN 1476818436. 8.5x11 inch. Mivel az 1970-es, Az igazi könyv volt a legnépszerűbb könyv gigging jazz zenészek. Hal Leonard büszke arra, hogy tegye közzé teljesen legális és törvényes kiadása az eredeti térfogat, valamint az izgalmas, új köteteket, hogy folytassa a hagyományt, hogy az új generáció a játékosok minden stílus zenei. Minden valódi könyvek jellemző több száz kipróbált dalok pontos szabályok a híres könnyen olvasható, kézzel írott jelölés a fésű-kötő. Ez a teljesen új 4. kötet bemutatja 400 több dalt, korábban nem áll rendelkezésre semmilyen más volumen. Tartalmazza. Ashes to Ashes. Gomb up Your Felöltõ. Cocktails for Two. Days of Wine and Roses. Pokolba a szerelemmel. A Foggy Day. A London Town. The Good Life. Otthon. I Got Rhythm. Én nem valaki Till You. Ha látnád Me Now. Csak barátok. Kansas City. Linus és Lucy. Lonely Girl. Talán ezúttal. My Bells. Éjjel-nappal. On Broadway. A Zöld Dolphin Street. Only the Lonely. The Pink Panther. Puttin 'on the Ritz. Relaxin 'a Camarillo. Reunion Blues. A prédikáció. A Shadow of Your Smile. Egymás mellett. Mosoly. Nyári időszámítás. Napos. Őket Eyes. és még sok más. Editions is elérhető C, E-sík és a Bass Clef. Hindusztán. Curves Ahead. Otthon. Nem tudod, hogy érdekel. Vagy nem is érdekel. Nem igazán a Blues. Wabash. Két Bass Hit. Barátok. Cake Turisztika Babák From Home. Serengeti Walk. Slippin "In The Back Door. Sookie Sookie. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Azure-Te. Paris Blues. Búcsú. Rejtekhely. On The Border. Elveszett. Tehát Sajnálom Kérjük. A Tokyo Blues. After The Rain. Happy Go Lucky Helyi. A Mooch. The Man With The Horn. Nem tudtam rólad. Emelés. Téma a Jobim. Walk On By. Néni Hagar a Blues. Straight Ahead. Búcsú. All Night Long. Mosoly. Fény, mint egy toll. The Wind. Blues Junior. So Easy. Samba Cantina. Blues In Time. Key Largo. Helen Song. Mondtam Ya I Love Ya Most Get Out. Down Under. Movin 'mentén. Sid Twelve. Lopakodsz Up Behind You. Száz év a mai naptól. Lonely Girl. Buster Last Stand. SeÃor egér. Gettin 'Over The Blues. Hoe lefelé. Megyek Fishin '. The Chicken. Dragonfly. Nemesség. Sárgaviola. The Good Life. Humpty Dumpty. Ashes To Ashes. Angela. Quasimodo. Ha látnád Me Now. Mindig True To You In My Fashion. Mirror, Mirror. Lean On Me. O Pato. A Duck. Outra Vez. Ki. Jump For Joy. Low Down és piszkos. Óramutató járásával megegyező. Only The Lonely. Zöld Haze. 245. Lefelé. És All That Jazz. Borostyán. Lehet, hogy te is ott leszel. Night Lights. Mit nem fog For Love. Talk To Me. Csillag Song. A Song for You. Bremond a Blues. Street Life. Kinyilatkoztatás. Apple Core. Ez te. Duke Place. Hogy milyen keveset tudunk. Tears belül. Dexter ás. Dextivity. Long Tall Dexter. Beállítások "The Pace. Mikor lesz a Blues Leave. Brown Hornet. Jayne. Theme A Spider Man. Mindaddig, amíg szüksége van rám. As We Speak. Blues In Frankie Flat. Come Dance With Me. Férfi. Nightwings. Baby Elephant Walk. Szeretni és szeretve lenni. Back In Your Own Backyard. Bag New Groove. Too Young To Go Steady. Nyári időszámítás. Ballin "Jack. Bandstand Boogie. Színlel. My Bells. A Night On Bop Mountain. Valódi szerelem. Lilac Wine. Az álcázás. Szerelem Wise. Are You valódi. Way Out West. Opus De Funk. A legjobb még hátra van. Váltó. Birds Of A Feather. Feketerigó. Heartaches. Spanyolország. Gypsy Jingle-Jangle. Step enyhén. Born To Be Blue. Alvó Meleg. Van Nem You. Boy Meets Horn. De ő a haverom Chick. Six és négy. Hogyan Candellia. Federico. A Guajiras. Manila. Ízletes. Sípoló Idegenben the Dark. Effendi. Sir John. Short Stuff. Red Good Groove. Ginza Samba. O.P. Gomb Up Your Felöltõ. Ol 'Man River. Allen Alley. Sticks. Loose Ends. Kitör a Blues. Kék péntek. Kék Lélek. Blues a legtöbb. A prédikáció. Ugetsu. Whap. 64. Bars on Wilshire. Swinging At The Haven. Halljátok. Fekete Byrd. Reunion Blues. Te rám nézett. Fülledt Serenade. Hogy tehettél ilyet To Me. Nem Buy Me Love. The Girl With A Smile és a szemem. Én nem a kereskedelem You. Baba Just Come Home To Me. Ó, milyen My Heart Beats For You. Csak barátok. A Zöld-foki Blues. Ginger Bread Boy. Bird Song. John Bunch. Ön Vannak. Ha én kék volt. Tudnék enni a szavak. Változás a szezon. Screamin 'The Blues. Betűrejtvény. Azt mondják, tavasz. Christmas Time Is Here. Chasing The Bird. Flamingó. Nothing Personal. Utazási. Opus One. Kolumbusz Kristóf. The Christmas Song. Gesztenye sülnek a nyílt tűz. Chromozone. Felfelé kell kerekíteni Közönséges bűnözők. Kim. Bezárni Mint Könyv oldalainak. Koktélok For Two. Jön Szerelem. Apu. Dahomey Dance. Dance Csak With Me. Days Of Wine And Roses. Deacon Blues. Szívem. Deep Purple. Dinner For One, kérjük, James. Do Szeretlek. Doctor Jazz. Doodlin ". Talán ezúttal. Pokolba a szerelemmel. Bopzilla. I Saw Stars. Sonor. Fuchsia Swing Song. Mr. Szerencsés. A Cool Shade Of Blue. I Got Rhythm. Moment To Moment. Szimfónia. Az Earl. Everybody Loves My Baby. De a My Baby nem szeretem senki, de Me. Every Day I Have The Blues. Ev'rything Van. A Felicidade. Ünnepi Minor. Flip, Flop And Fly. Children Of The Night. A Foggy Day. A London Town. Neked, nekem örökké. Give Me The Night. Goin 'Out Of My Head. Arany Fülbevaló. A Zöld Dolphin Street. Találd ki, ma láttam. A cigány. Hallelujah, I Love Her így. Elégedett a Blues. Hit The Road To Dreamland. A ház nem egy otthon. I Can Dream, nem tudok. I Got A Woman. I Got You. I Feel Good. Azt hiszem, meg kell változtatni a tervem. Én nem valaki Till You. I Love Lucy. I Love My Baby. My Baby Loves Me. I Remember Duke. I Say A Little Prayer. I See Your Face előtt Me. I Shot The Sheriff. I Walk With Music. Inkább Kék Over You. Én vagyok egy álmodozó Nem We All. Van My Eyes On You. Megvan a száma. Ha valaha hagynám You. Ha uralta a világot. A Silent Way. Az 'In' Crowd. In The Arms Of Love. A kék esti. Belső tér. Szünet Riff. Ez egy jó év. Meg volt írva a csillagokban. Ez a varázslat. Ja-Da. Jeru. Johnny One-Note. Johnny Theme. Az együttes Jumpin '. Kansas City. Killing Me Softly dalával. Ko Ko. Jajgatnak Booker. Lester elutazott. Let There Be You. Az élet csak egy tál cseresznye. Linus és Lucy. Lisa. Nyalókák And Roses. Szép nézni. Mad róla, Sad nélküle, Hogyan lehet örülni Nélküle Blues. Mad About A Boy. MaÃana. Memphis június. Minor Swing. Percről percre. Moszkvai küldetés. Küldetés. Impossible Theme. Moon Over Miami. Moonlight Cocktail. Mr. Wonderful. Nagasaki. Never Never Land. Éjjel-nappal. Nippon Lélek. O Morro Nao Tem Vez. Favela. Somewhere In The Hills. Ole Író Sky. On Broadway. Once Upon A Summertime. Egy Mint Julep. Nyílt terep. A Eljön a nap. Palladium. Parker Mood. Pál Pal. Álnokság. Személyiség. Peter Gunn. The Pink Panther. Kérem, küldjenek valakit szeretni. Puttin 'on the Ritz. Relaxin 'At The Camarillo. A Megjegyzés You Made. Ribbon In The Sky. Folyó, Stay "Way From My Door. Szombat éjszaka. A legmagányosabb este a héten. Serenade To A busz Beat. A Shadow Of Your Smile. Forgács. Egymás mellett. Egyszerű Samba. Sir Duke. Korcsolyázás. Snakes. Solo Flight. Somebody Else vesz My Place. Some Day. Majd Want Me To Want You. Valaki, hogy kigyullad My Life. Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Voce. South of the Border. Le Mexikó Way. Rokka. Strange Fruit. Dohos. Sugar Blues. Napos. Sunrise Serenade. Tuti dolog. Swanee. Inog. Quien Sera. A Sweetheart fa. A kezelés ideje alatt A Chance On szerelem. Ilyen az élet. Ez az én Desire. Őket Eyes. Thermo. Ez a Love Of Mine. Too Darn Hot. Tuxedo Junction. Két Sleepy People. Up With The Lark. West End Blues. Nyugati Reunion. Mi a Fool úgy. Mit csinálsz Szilveszter. Mit mondtam. Amikor a Red, Red Robin Jön Bob, Bob Orsó "mentén. Amikor a világ fiatal volt. Miért nem tudsz viselkedni. Miért születtem én. A szél és az eső a hajad. A Wonderful Guy. All Too Soon. Igen, uram, Ez My Baby. Te vagy a napfény. Hívják Madness. De szeretetnek hívom. Jöttél messze St. Louis. Te vagy a Cream My Coffee. A fiatal és ostoba. Felbontás. Part II. Samba Song. Twelve Tone Tune. Figyelj ide. Punk Jazz. Mihez képest. Laurie. Nigériai Marketplace. Folyó emberek. Save Your Love For Me. Három nézet Secret. Unit 7. Bánja az ördög. Te vagy minden. Goin 'To Minton a. Kisasszony Fine. One For Helen. Letter To Evan. 34 Skidoo. Jamento. Valahol az út mentén. Born To Be Bad. Nem kell, hogy így. Bim-Bom. Ha megy. Djangology. Swing 42. Aguas de Marão. Waters Of March. Ez egy Lonesome Old Town. Amikor éppen nem Around. Senor Blues.Kedvencek
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