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The Guitar Collection -- Rock and Pop Hits. Electric Guitar sheet music.


A Guitar Collection - Rock and Pop Hits. Elektromos gitár kotta.


The Guitar Collection -- Rock and Pop Hits. 50 Current Rock and Pop Hits. Composed by various artists and composers. For Guitar. This edition. Guitar TAB Edition. Artist. Personality. Book. Guitar Mixed Folio. Guitar TAB. The Guitar Collection. Pop. Pop. Rock. Rock. 256 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.44366. ISBN 1470623226. Pop. Pop. Rock. Rock. The Guitar Collection. Rock & Pop Hits contains 50 modern and current hit songs from such popular artists as Bruno Mars, Cee Lo Green, Sheryl Crow, OK Go, Train, Robert Plant, Bruce Springsteen, American Authors, and many more. Every book in The Guitar Collection series features guitar TAB transcriptions with complete lyrics, and the sheer variety and quality of the selections make them a no-brainer bargain for guitarists and musicians of all ages. Titles. All About That Bass. Meghan Trainor. Because of You. Kelly Clarkson. Best Day of My Life. American Authors. Billionaire. Travie McCoy. Bodies. Drowning Pool. Clouds. Zach Sobiech. Coming Up Roses. from Begin Again. Cool Kids. Echosmith. Count on Me. Bruno Mars. Dangerous. Big Data. Doin' What She Likes. Blake Shelton. Don't Stop Believin'. Journey. Everything I Didn't Say. 5 Seconds of Summer. Falling Slowly. Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, from Once. Fireball. Pitbull. Forget You. Cee Lo Green. Fortune Teller. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. The Game of Love. Santana, featuring Michelle Branch. Girl on Fire. Alicia Keys. Going Under. Evanescence. Good Is Good. Sheryl Crow. Grenade. Bruno Mars. Here It Goes Again. OK Go. Hips Don't Lie. Shakira. I See Fire. Ed Sheeran, from The Hobbit. The Desolation of Smaug. Jesus, Take the Wheel. Carrie Underwood. Just the Way You Are. Amazing. Bruno Mars. Last Resort. Papa Roach. The Lazy Song. Bruno Mars. Let It Go. from Walt Disney's Frozen. Live Like You Were Dying. Tim McGraw. Marry Me. Train. My Immortal. Evanescence. Over the Rainbow. Iz Kamakawiwo'ole. Paralyzer. Finger Eleven. People Loving People. Garth Brooks. Rainbow. Robert Plant. The Rising. Bruce Springsteen. Soak Up the Sun. Sheryl Crow. Something in the Water. Carrie Underwood. Step Up. Drowning Pool. Teardrops on My Guitar. Taylor Swift. Temporary Home. Carrie Underwood. Tonight. Seether.


A Guitar Collection - Rock and Pop Hits. 50 Current Rock and Pop Hits. Által komponált különböző művészek és zeneszerzők. Gitár. Ez a kiadás. Guitar Tab Edition. Művész. Személyiség. Könyv. Guitar Vegyes Folio. Guitar TAB. . Pukkanás. Pukkanás. Szikla. Szikla. 256 oldal. Megjelent Alfred Music. AP.44366. ISBN 1470623226. Pukkanás. Pukkanás. Szikla. Szikla. A Guitar Gyűjtemény. Rock & Pop Hits contains 50 modern and current hit songs from such popular artists as Bruno Mars, Cee Lo Green, Sheryl Crow, OK Go, Train, Robert Plant, Bruce Springsteen, American Authors, and many more. Minden könyvet Guitar Collection sorozat gitár TAB átiratok teljes dalszövegeket, és a puszta változatos és minőségi kijelölések, hogy azok egy nem-agy alku gitáros és zenész minden korosztály számára. Címek. All About Ez Bass. Meghan Trainor. Mivel Ön. Kelly Clarkson. A legjobb nap az életemben. Amerikai szerzők. Billiomos. Travie McCoy. Bodies. Drowning Pool. Felhők. Zach Sobiech. Coming Up Roses. a Begin Again. Cool Kids. Echosmith. Count on Me. Bruno Mars. Veszélyes. Big adatok. Hogy csinálják, pozitúrák, mit szeret. Blake Shelton. Ne hagyja abba Believin ". Utazás. Minden, amit nem mondtam. 5 Seconds of Summer. Falling Lassan. Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, from Once. Tűzgömb. Pitbull. Forget You. Cee Lo Green. Fortune Teller. Robert Plant és Alison Krauss. A Game of Love. Santana, featuring Michelle Branch. Lány on Fire. Alicia Keys. Going Under. Eltűnés. Jó, az jó. Sheryl Crow. Gránát. Bruno Mars. Itt megy Again. OK Go. Hips nem hazudnak. Shakira. I See Tűz. Ed Sheeran, from The Hobbit. A Desolation of Smaug. Jézus, Vedd át a kormányt. Carrie Underwood. Just the Way You Are. Elképesztő. Bruno Mars. Last Resort. Papa Roach. The Lazy Song. Bruno Mars. Let It Go. A Walt Disney Frozen. Live Like You Were Dying. Tim McGraw. Marry Me. Vonat. My Immortal. Eltűnés. Over the Rainbow. Iz Kamakawiwo'ole. Paralyzer. Finger Eleven. Emberek szerető emberek. Garth Brooks. Szivárvány. Robert Plant. A Rising. Bruce Springsteen. Napozzon. Sheryl Crow. Valamit a vízben. Carrie Underwood. Step Up. Drowning Pool. Könnycseppek a My Guitar. Taylor Swift. Átmeneti Otthon. Carrie Underwood. Ma este. Seether.