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The New Sammy Cahn Songbook. Sammy Cahn. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Fordítás
A New Sammy Cahn Songbook. Sammy Cahn. Zongora, ének, gitár kotta. Voice kotta. Gitár kották.Forrás
The New Sammy Cahn Songbook composed by Sammy Cahn. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. G Composer Collection. Softcover. 320 pages. Cherry Lane Music #VF1567. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500665. ISBN 1575606992. 9x12 inches. Frank Sinatra once said of songwriter Sammy Cahn. “Sammy's words fit my mouth the best of all the writers. ” Now you can enjoy 99 of Sammy's finest compositions with this songbook in piano. vocal. guitar format. Songs include. All That Love Went to Waste. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon. Means That You're Grand. Call Me Irresponsible. The Christmas Waltz. Come Fly with Me. Day by Day. Good Little Girls. I'll Walk Alone. I've Heard That Song Before. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Love and Marriage. Only the Lonely. Our Town. Pocketful of Miracles. Shoe Shine Boy. Thoroughly Modern Millie. Written on the Wind. and dozens more. Poor Little Rhode Island. There Goes That Song Again. Time After Time. I Believe. Shoe Shine Boy. Where Love Has Gone. If It's The Last Thing I Do. All My Tomorrows. Teamwork. Day by Day. Face To Face. Written On The Wind. Warmer Than A Whisper. Let's Not Be Sensible. Good Little Girls. Straight Down The Middle. Only The Lonely. The Last Dance. Ev'rybody Has The Right To Be Wrong. As Long As There's Music. Come Blow Your Horn. Because You're Mine. All That Love Went To Waste. Autumn In Rome. Come Dance With Me. Hey. Jealous Lover. I Could Make You Care. Imagine. Look To Your Heart. Love Is A Bore. It's Nice To Go Trav'ling. Our Town. That's What Makes Paris, Paree. The Impatient Years. When No One Cares. I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her. Opposites. Style. The Best Of Everything. I Begged Her. Incurably Romantic. Joseph. Joseph. The Long Hot Summer. Please Be Kind. The Brooklyn Bridge. Now That We're In Love. The Song's Gotta Come From The Heart. To Love And Be Loved. Be My Love. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon. Means That You're Grand. Call Me Irresponsible. Can't You Just See Yourself. The Charm Of You. Come Fly With Me. Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are. Dedicated To You. Five Minutes More. I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry. I Fall in Love too Easily. I Still Get Jealous. I'll Never Stop Loving You. I'll Walk Alone. I'm Glad I Waited For You. I've Heard That Song Before. It's Been A Long, Long Time. It's Magic. It's The Same Old Dream. It's You Or No One. Love And Marriage. My Kind Of Town. Chicago Is. On A Sunday By The Sea. Only Trust Your Heart. Papa, Won't You Dance With Me. Pocketful Of Miracles. Put 'Em In A Box, Tie 'Em With A Ribbon. And Throw 'Em In The Deep Blue Sea. If I Had Rhythm In My Nursery Rhymes. Rhythm Is Our Business. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. The Second Time Around. Teach Me Tonight. Love Is. The Tender Trap. The Things We Did Last Summer. Three Coins in the Fountain. It Will Have To Do Until The Real Thing Comes Along. Until The Real Thing Comes Along. Vict'ry Polka. Walking Happy. What Makes The Sunset. A Touch Of Class. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You're My Girl. High Hopes. All The Way. Some Other Time. Thoroughly Modern Millie. Wonder Why. I Should Care. The Christmas Waltz. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let Me Try Again. Laisse Moi Le Temps.Fordítás
A New Sammy Cahn Songbook áll Sammy Cahn. A Piano. Magánhangzói. Gitár. G Composer Collection. Softcover. 320 oldal. Cherry Lane Music. Kiadja a Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500665. ISBN 1575606992. 9x12 inches. Frank Sinatra mondta egyszer a dalszerző Sammy Cahn. "Sammy szavai illeszkednek a számat a legjobb az összes író. "Most már élvezheti 99. Sammy legszebb kompozíciók ezzel énekeskönyv a zongora. magánhangzói. gitár formátum. Songs közé. All That Szerelem Elmentem Hulladék. Amikor már van. Azt jelenti, hogy te Grand. Hívjon Felelőtlen. A Christmas Waltz. Come Fly with Me. Nap mint nap. Good Little Girls. Én Walk Alone. Azt hallottam, hogy a dalt. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Szerelem és házasság. Only the Lonely. Our Town. Pocketful csodák. Shoe Shine Boy. Alaposan Modern Millie. Írt a Wind. és több tucat több. Szegény kis Rhode Island. Van úgy szól, hogy a dalt még egyszer. Time After Time. I Believe. Shoe Shine Boy. Ahol szeretet ment. Ha ez az utolsó dolog, amit nem. All My Tomorrows. Csapatmunka. Nap mint nap. Szembesítve. Írásos On The Wind. Melegebb, mint a suttogás. Ne legyünk Sensible. Good Little Girls. Straight középen. Only The Lonely. The Last Dance. Ev'rybody Has The Right To Be Wrong. Mindaddig, amíg van zenéje. Come Blow Your Horn. Mert az enyém. All That Szerelem ment hulladék. Autumn In Rome. Come Dance With Me. Hey. Féltékeny szerető. Tudtam, hogy téged érdekel. Elképzel. Nézd a szívedhez. A szerelem egy Bore. Ez jó, hogy menjen Trav'ling. Our Town. Ez teszi Paris, Paree. A türelmetlen Years. Amikor senki nem törődik. Én csak hiányzik Amikor gondolok rá. Az ellentétek. Stílus. The Best Of Everything. Én könyörögtem neki,. Gyógyíthatatlanul Romantikus. Joseph. Joseph. A Long Hot Summer. Kérjük, legyen kedves. A Brooklyn Bridge. Most, hogy szerelmesek vagyunk. A dal Gotta szívből jön. Szeretni és szeretve lenni. Be My Love. Amikor már van. Azt jelenti, hogy te Grand. Hívjon Felelőtlen. Nem tudsz csak lásd magad,. A Charm Of You. Come Fly With Me. Gyere ki, gyere ki, bárhol is. Dedikált To You. Öt percig. Azt hiszem Tegye My Tears Out To Dry. I Fall in Love is könnyen. Én még mindig féltékeny. Én Never Stop Loving You. Én Walk Alone. Örülök, hogy vártam rád. Azt hallottam, hogy a dalt. Ez egy hosszú, hosszú ideig. Ez a varázslat. Ez ugyanaz a régi álom. Ez te vagy senki. Szerelem és a házasság. Én városom. Chicago. Egy vasárnap By The Sea. Csak hallgass a szívedre. Papa, ugye Dance With Me. Pocketful Csodák. Tegyétek egy dobozban, Tie 'Em szalaggal. És dobd 'Em In The Deep Blue Sea. If I Had Rhythm In My mondókák. Rhythm a mi ügyünk. Szombat éjszaka. A legmagányosabb este a héten. A Second Time Around. Teach Me Tonight. Love Is. A Tender Trap. The Things We tettél tavaly nyáron. Three Coins in the Fountain. Ez lesz, hogy amíg a Real Thing jön-. Amíg The Real Thing jön-. Vict'ry Polka. Walking Boldog. Mi teszi a Sunset. A Touch Of Class. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. Te My Girl. High Hopes. All The Way. Majd máskor. Alaposan Modern Millie. Csoda, hogy miért. Azt kellene Care. A Christmas Waltz. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let Me Try Again. Hadd idő.Kedvencek
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