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Inspirational Hymns for Trombone with CD. Various. Trombone sheet music.Fordítás
Inspirational Hymns for Trombone with CD. Különféle. Harsona kotta.Forrás
Inspirational Hymns for Trombone with CD composed by Various. Arranged by Tony Santorella & Jonathon Robbins. For trombone. This edition. Paperback. Collection. Sacred. Book & CD. Text Language. English. 32 pages. Published by Santorella Publications. SP.TS038WCD. ISBN 9781585603251. With Text Language. English. Sacred. Spiritual enlightenment is at the heart of this sacred collection from Santorella Publications. Inspirational Hymns for Trombone arranged by Tony Santorella and Jonathon Robbins features thirty-three well known hymns written specifically for brass & reed instruments and includes a piano accompaniment CD. Each piece is edited and arranged in a comfortable key and range for wind players of any level. A great addition to any church music library, this assortment of sacred titles is sure to bring the congregation to its feet with songs of praise. Written in accommodating keys for Bb, Eb, C treble & C bass clef instruments, now everyone can sing His praise and worship in song. Includes. Nearer My God To Thee - Fairest Lord Jesus - Where He Leads Me - O God, Our Help in Ages Past - Rock of Ages - There is a Happy Land - Holy, Holy, Holy - Lead Kindly Light - Faith of Our Fathers - The Little Brown Church in the Vale - A Mighty Fortress is Our God - Hark. The Vesper Hymn is Stealing - Abide With Me - Now The Day is Over - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow - The Lord is My Shepherd - Blest The Tie That Binds - Eternal Father, Strong to Save. The Navy Hymn. - Bringing in The Sheaves - Jesus Loves Me - Evening Prayer - Jesus, Lover of My Soul - Prayer of Thanksgiving - Softly Now The Light of Day - When I Survey The Wond'rous Cross - I Need Thee Every Hour - He Leadeth Me - Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me - Let The Lower Lights Be Burning - Stand Up For Jesus - God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again - Amazing Grace.Fordítás
Inspirational Hymns for Trombone with CD composed by Various. Által szervezett Tony Santorella. A harsona. Ez a kiadás. Olcsó kiadás. Gyűjtemény. Szentelt. Könyv. Angol. 32 oldal. Kiadja Santorella Publications. SP.TS038WCD. ISBN 9781585603251. A Text Language. Angol. Szentelt. Szellemi megvilágosodást áll a középpontjában ennek a szent gyűjtemény Santorella Publications. Inspirational Hymns for Trombone arranged by Tony Santorella and Jonathon Robbins features thirty-three well known hymns written specifically for brass & reed instruments and includes a piano accompaniment CD. Each piece is edited and arranged in a comfortable key and range for wind players of any level. A nagy mellett olyan egyházi zenei könyvtár, ez a választék a szent címek biztos, hogy a gyülekezet, hogy a lába a dicsőítő énekekkel. Írt elhelyezésére gombok Bb, Eb, C szoprán. Tartalmazza. Közelebb Istenem neked - legszebb Úr Jézus -, hol vezet engem - Ó Istenem, mi segítségünk az elmúlt korokban - Rock of Ages - Van egy Happy Land - Szent, szent, szent - ólom Kérjük fény - Faith of Our Fathers - a Little Brown egyház a Vale - Erős vár a mi Istenünk - Hark. A Vesper Hymn lopás - Maradj velem - Most a nap vége - Hála Istennek, akitől minden áldás Flow - Az Úr az én pásztorom - Blest Egyenlő kötődik - Örök Atya, Erős a Mentés. A haditengerészet Hymn. - Hozza a csigák - Jesus Loves Me - esti ima - Jézus, Lover of My Soul - Prayer of Hálaadás - Halkan Most a napvilágot - Amikor feltérképezzük a Wond'rous Kereszt - I Need Thee Minden órában - Ő visz Me - Jézus, Megváltó, Pilot Me - Let The Lights Alsó égő - Stand Up For Jesus - Isten veled "Míg újra látlak - Amazing Grace.Kedvencek