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Crooners. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Fordítás
Crooners. Különféle. Zongora, ének, gitár kotta. Voice kotta. Gitár kották.Forrás
Crooners. 84 Songs by 28 Marvelous Male Vocalists. By Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 320 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311819. ISBN 1423463668. 9x12 inches. Your audience will swoon over these 84 standards “crooned” by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Mel Tormé and others. Includes. Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive. Bewitched. Blue Velvet. Chances Are. Georgia on My Mind. I've Got the World on a String. Lazy River. Misty. Mona Lisa. The Nearness of You. Red Roses for a Blue Lady. There Is No Greater Love. When I Fall in Love. and dozens more. Includes a title index, artist index, and a great section of photos and bios of each featured artist. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive. My Kind Of Girl. I'm Walking Behind You. Look Over Your Shoulder. I Believe. If. Wish You Were Here. Till The End Of Time. Rockin' Chair. Chances Are. Alright, Okay, You Win. Nature Boy. Night Song. Cry. Change Partners. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Baby. You've Got What It Takes. Candy. There Is No Greater Love. Bewitched. Beyond the Sea. Learnin' The Blues. Just Walking In The Rain. Blue Velvet. Body And Soul. Mr. Lonely. Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful. The Christmas Song. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. The Way You Look Tonight. It's Just A Matter Of Time. Careless Hands. Mona Lisa. Cheek To Cheek. My Foolish Heart. Cold, Cold Heart. Come Rain Or Come Shine. A Cottage For Sale. Ballerina. Dear Hearts And Gentle People. Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes. Dream Lover. I Love You. For Sentimental Reasons. Friendly Persuasion. Georgia on My Mind. Gonna Build A Mountain. How Deep Is The Ocean. How High Is The Sky. I Almost Lost My Mind. I Get Ideas. I've Got The World On A String. I've got you Under My Skin. The Impossible Dream. The Quest. It's Not for Me to Say. Just in Time. Lazy River. Lollipops And Roses. Love Letters In The Sand. Misty. Moonlight Gambler. My One And Only Love. The Nearness Of You. Oh. My Pa-Pa. O Mein Papa. Oh. What It Seemed To Be. Ole Buttermilk Sky. On the Street Where you Live. Pistol Packin' Mama. A Rainy Night In Georgia. Red Roses For A Blue Lady. Return To Me. Seems Like Old Times. She Loves Me. Stranger In Paradise. Sway. Quien Sera. Teach Me Tonight. That's My Desire. There. I've Said It Again. There's No Tomorrow. They Say It's Wonderful. Walkin' My Baby Back Home. What Kind Of Fool Am I. When I Fall in Love. Didn't We. You're Breaking My Heart. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Every Day I Have The Blues.Fordítás
Crooners. 84 Songs by 28 Marvelous Male Vocalists. Különböző. A Piano. Magánhangzói. Gitár. Terv. Magánhangzói. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 320 oldal. Megjelent a Hal Leonard. HL.311819. ISBN 1423463668. 9x12 inches. Your audience will swoon over these 84 standards “crooned” by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Mel Tormé and others. Tartalmazza. Ac-cent-tchu-evett a pozitív. Megbabonázott. Blue Velvet. Véletlenek vannak. Georgia on My Mind. Megvan a világ egy karakterlánc. Lazy River. Ködös. Mona Lisa. Közelsége You. Red Roses for a Blue Lady. There Is No Greater Love. Amikor beleszeret. és több tucat több. Includes a title index, artist index, and a great section of photos and bios of each featured artist. Ac-Cent-Tchu-megette a pozitív. Az a fajta lány. I'm Walking Behind You. Look Over Your Shoulder. I Believe. Ha. Wish You Were Here. Till The End Of Time. Rockin 'Chair. Véletlenek vannak. Rendben, rendben, te nyertél. Nature Boy. Night Song. Kiáltás. Change Partners. Baby, ez hideg van kint. Baba. Van mit vesz. Cukorka. There Is No Greater Love. Megbabonázott. Beyond the Sea. Elméletben a Blues. Just Walking In The Rain. Blue Velvet. Test és lélek. Mr. Lonely. Do Szeretlek Mert gyönyörű. The Christmas Song. Gesztenye sülnek a nyílt tűz. The Way You Look Tonight. Ez csak idő kérdése. Gondatlan Hands. Mona Lisa. Cheek To Cheek. Az ostoba szív. Hideg, hideg szív. Come Rain Or Come Shine. A ház eladó. Balerina. Kedves Szívek és gyengéd Emberek. Ne hagyd, hogy a Stars Get In Your Eyes. Álom Lover. Szeretlek. Szentimentális okokból. Barátságos meggyőzés. Georgia on My Mind. Gonna Build A Mountain. How Deep Is The Ocean. Milyen magas az ég. Én majdnem Lost My Mind. I Get Ötletek. Megvan a világ egy string. Megvagy Under My Skin. Lehetetlen álom. A Quest. Ez nem az én dolgom. Éppen jókor. Lazy River. Nyalókák And Roses. Love Letters In The Sand. Ködös. Moonlight Gambler. My One And Only Love. Közelsége You. Oh. A Pa-Pa. O Mein Papa. Oh. Mi úgy tűnt, hogy. Ole Író Sky. Az utca, ahol él. Pistol Packin 'Mama. A Rainy Night In Georgia. Red Roses For A Blue Lady. Return To Me. Úgy tűnik, mint a régi időkben. Szeret engem. Stranger In Paradise. Inog. Quien Sera. Teach Me Tonight. Ez az én Desire. Ott. Mondtam It Again. , Hogy nincs holnap. Azt mondják, ez csodálatos. Sétál My Baby Back Home. Milyen Fool Vagyok. Amikor beleszeret. Nem igaz. Te Breaking My Heart. Te Senki Til Somebody Loves You. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Every Day I Have The Blues.Kedvencek
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