
Kotta $20.44


Johannes Brahms. Paganini Variations Op. 35. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Johannes Brahms.


Johannes Brahms. Paganini variációk op. 35.. Kotta. Terv. PF. Johannes Brahms.


The Paganini Variations occupy a special place in Brahms ' Piano oeuvre. They are, true to their main title, a work for study, but at the same time. in contrast to, for instance, the 51 exercises. also suited for concert performances. Both aspects were important to Brahms himself, too. When he planned the variations in 1862. 63, he was still working on a loose collection of individual exercises, which he used as finger practice when preparing for concerts. He eventually reworked this collection of exercises into a "work" in its own right in 1865, repeatedly playing it in concert and publishing it in 1866. The Paganini Variations are also interesting in their double function for contemporary pianists. Anyone studying them is able to marvellously develop his or her Piano technique while at the same time working on a very effective piece for concert events. For the first time, all the sources known to us could be used for this new edition, even two early manuscripts that were thought to be lost after 1945 and were rediscovered in St. Petersburg just a few years ago.


The Paganini Variations occupy a special place in Brahms ' Piano oeuvre. Ők, igaz, hogy a főcím, a munka tanulmány, de ugyanakkor. ellentétben, például a 51 gyakorlatok. is alkalmas koncert előadások. Mindkét szempont volt fontos, hogy Brahms maga is. Mikor tervezik az eltérések 1862. 63, he was still working on a loose collection of individual exercises, which he used as finger practice when preparing for concerts. Ő végül átdolgozott ez a gyűjtemény a gyakorlatok egy "munka" saját jogán 1865-ben többször is játszani, hogy a koncert, és közzéteszi azt 1866-ban. A Paganini variációk is érdekes a kettős funkció a mai zongoristák. Anyone studying them is able to marvellously develop his or her Piano technique while at the same time working on a very effective piece for concert events. Ez az első alkalom, az összes forrás általunk ismert lehetne használni az új kiadásban, még két korai kéziratok, amelyeket elveszettnek hitt 1945 után újra felfedezték Szentpéterváron néhány évvel ezelőtt.