hand, Turn the pages, read for hours, It always comes to a close... All dreams must end, even Though I try to defend... All dreams must die, even Though
Fordítás: Bármi Box. Minden Dreams véget kell vetni.
I prayed I found myself, Opened to the moon kissed sky... In the dark I wondered why, everything must be so hard, I watched the world and dreamed of
can I do? what can I say? Perhaps you think I've gone and Lost my way? i used to think, not Long ago, 'all dreams must end' How could I be so wrong
all, it was certainly the way of nature, and even though, no he didn't love her, he did feel an affection for her. and, after all, they were grown adults
all, it was certainly the way of nature, and even though, no he didn't love her, he did feel an affection for her. And, after all, they were grown adults
all, it was certainly the way of nature and even though no, he didn't love her, he did feel an affection for her. And after all, they were grown adults
after all, it was certainly the way of nature and even though no, he didn't love her, he did feel an affection for her. And after all, they were grown