Fordítás: Rák. Burning koporsó.
Let me out here, burning int his hell My cascet breathes a stench of burning flesh Incinerating pain, left to scorching domain My body is too far gone
carry a couple oxes Keep a duece-deuce by his ankle and get it popping You know, we be the boys clocking the graveyard shift Big bundles, counting our CREAM, burning
couple oxes Keep a deuce, deuce by his ankle and get it poppin' You know, we be the boys clockin' the grave yard shift Big Bubbles, countin' the cream, burnin
to the masses deep in the club toast the truth, reach for the glasses I burn an orphanage just to bring heat to you bastards innocent deep in a casket
Mongers of the greatest lie Burn them, for sins they scar (The) Followers not leaders in war Left to rot is their faith on poles Icons shatter with burning
every night and the world is going to hell in a hand basket all I want to do is fill it's casket i think I'm going insane i'm losing the cancerous tumor
jesus on em, to the crucifix, repeat, now watch me. [chorus](sample) burn the groove to death kid...nail em to the cross yeah, yeah, yeah burn
Beyond the gates and wait backwards like Bizarro Bizarre, strange, got maggots in my brains Faggots roll down the hill and burn, burn in the FLAMES [
oxes Keep a deuce deuce by his ankle and get it poppin' You know, we be the boys clockin' the grave yard shift Big bubbles, countin' the cream, burnin
to the masses deep in the club toast the truth, reach for the classes I burn an orphanage just to bring heat to you bastards innocent deep in a casket
with 2 pieces of crooked wood now beat me burn the groove to death kid, gonna burn the groove say yeah yeah burn the groove to death kid, gonna burn
the pope or any other faggot catholic bastard caught raping children kill them and gas the casket and throw a match lit, till it burns to ashes and place
the masses deep in the club toast the truth, reach for the classes I burn an orphanage just to bring heat to you bastards innocent deep in a casket, columbian
Mongers of the greatest lie Burn them, for (the) sins they scar Followers not leaders in war Left to rot is their faith on poles Icons shatter with burning
Keep a deuce deuce by his ankle and get it poppin' You know, we be the boys clockin' the grave yard shift Big bubbles, countin' the cream, burnin' the
the masses deep in the club toast the truth, reach for the classes I burn an orphanage just to bring heat to you bastards innocent deep in a casket,