I'd rather have a bottle in front of me I'd rather watch 10 hours of T.V. But since I can't I'll think of food I'll think of sex I'll think of music And
Fordítás: NOFX. Élelmiszer-, szex-és fedeztetett.
: I'd rather have a bottle in front of me I'd rather watch 10 hours of T.V. But since I can't I'll think of food I'll think of sex I'll think of music
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me I'd rather watch 10 hours of T.V. But since I can't I'll think of food I'll think of sex I'll think of music
Ground is shaking Waves are breaking The wind has lost control The air is shifting while It's lifting force fools gravity A huge eruption Vast explosions
maybe I guess he will be alone 'cause we are equally damaged find your name do all the same, equally signal when you can't breathe no more say you were
How miserable I am I feel like a fruit-picker who arrived here After the harvest There's nothing here at all Nothing at all here that could placate my
sick sick sick sick sick of intention, full of pretension. collectors items, don't ever buy them. massive attention. fond of infection. newcomer dances
It's a hateful world So much anger locked inside of us That's how we are Like a pack of wolves searching for food The pain grows And some people just
Fordítás: After Forever. Ugyanígy Roncsolásos.
Fordítás: Hall, Daryl. Hasonlóan Sympathy.
: Dibuje en un paraiso vuestras caras asumiendo, yo tirando de una cuerda me aferre a la valentia en un destino sin gobierno en el que nadie creia con
: He perdido otra batalla por ser fragil y estar solo me han jodido un poco mas y no creo merecerlo, mas me duele el corazon, mas me duele el sentimiento
: Destajos que arrasan la tierra y pa recuperar nunca mas. Y ahora duermes, duermes, duermes, duermes .... Donde empieza el desnacer que encontramos
: ?Por que?, ya no somos los mismos colegas ya no hablamos en el mismos idioma, el pasado estara de rodillas pidiendo perdon. Ya se, he debido mentir