Fordítás: Fairy Fore. Élénk.
revolution, none other Which brings us to the next move It's a simple case of show and tell or rather show and prove Of made up gang moves and foolish fairy
Two times for the drummer, 'fore I start it I say, "Hit me!" Puba's kickin' flavor, and I brought somebody with me Positive, the gentlemen, the rapper
jawbone right next to your gall stones 'Til y'all all know I got the hypothalamus of a hippopotamus Squashin' the retardapuss when [Incomprehensible] rush Too good to be true like fairy
Music & Lyrics by Suidakra] Like the holy scripture said Satan fled from his prison He twisted the minds In the garment of the holy church Every fairy
m Eminem Who's that next chump? Bring em in I'll stomp on him wit' ma Timbalands Y'all know I ain't no fairy yo, some might think I' a scary ho Mind
'cause they love the 'what?' That ain't nothin' but lust, they let us beat the guts You don't know me like that, that's why in God we trust Your fairy
Bullshit, Let's Go! Want the kids from Warpath hanging at our shows Nikki Parasite can sing a medley for me I want Josh of Mukilteo Fairies cruising
[Grand Puba] Two times for the drummer, 'fore I start it I say, "Hit me!" Puba's kickin flavor, and I brought somebody with me [Positive K] Positive,
right next to your gall stones 'til y'all all know I got the hypothalamus of a hippopotamus Squashin the retardapuss when {?} rush Too good to be true like fairy
applause] [Paris] Which brings us to the next move - it's a simple case of show and tell or rather show and prove Of made up gank moves and foolish fairy