mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the countenance divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem
cease from mental fight Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand 'Til we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land 'Til we have built Jerusalem
Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it?s supposed to do, Jerusalem Jerusalem
God has answered Jerusalem's cry Soon the dead in Christ will rise And join Him in he sky Even unbelivers will see God has answered Jerusalem's cry God has answered Jerusalem
was this neighbor kind and true? From Jerusalem to Jericho we're traveling every day, And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way. 2. From Jerusalem
De mano en mano se pasa la verdad y en cada mano olvidara algo de cierto y tambien se llevara de cada mano el parecer. Si caminaramos calendario atras
Jerusalem itself, Understand what power is, Understand what glory is, Understand at all, Understand at all.If you knew all that I knew, my poor Jerusalem
arch angels rockin' in Jerusalem Hear arch angels rining them bells Hear arch angels rockin' in Jerusalem Hear arch angels ringing them bells New Jerusalem, New Jerusalem
Walk in Jerusalem Talk in Jerusalem Sing in Jerusalem Be in Jerusalem High up in Jerusalem whe I die Oh, be in Jerusalem Sing in Jerusalem Shout in Jerusalem Pray in Jerusalem High up in Jerusalem
from the heart of the desert Risin' up for Jerusalem Risin' up from the heart of the desert Building up old Jerusalem Risin' up from the heart of the desert Risin' up for Jerusalem
There was a devout nun in the XVth century who decided to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; and she belonged to an order that wore bags over their heads
adonai) Barouh atat yeroushalaim (Barouh atat yeroushalaim) Jerusalem here I am Jerusalem je t'aime Jerusalem here I am Jerusalem je t'aime Israela
Well, I guess I'll string along Don't see how too much can go wrong As long as he pays my way, I guess I'll follow We're headed for Jerusalem tomorrow
a trickster?s world A trickster makes this world Jerusalem, boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem boys Jerusalem
no next time It's show time I hope you do What you said When you swore You'd make it better Deliver all the letters On time Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem
peace in Jerusalem this time Jerusalem is old, Jerusalem is new Jerusalem can hold, Moslem, Christian, Jew And Jerusalem, Jerusalem all roads lead to you Jerusalem, Jerusalem
you turn if it all goes wrong And you're on the run Jerusalem? When an angel cries, Jerusalem Better watch your lies, Jerusalem When an angel cries, Jerusalem