Speak, see, remember The crimes it took to get you through Deadbeat december There's blood in the butter The kitchens are closed for the holidays You
Fordítás: Járda. Speak, Lásd, Emlékezz.
We can't see clear But what we see is alright We make up what we can't hear And then we sing all night Scattered pages And shattered lights See the jackknife See
[Lee] {Whispered: Achooooo Braaaaancafest} I can't see anything at all All I see is me That's clear enough, that's what's important To see me My
: [Lee] {Whispered: Achooooo Braaaaancafest} I can't see anything at all All I see is me That's clear enough, that's what's important To see me
be outdone Some speak in half phrases No definition to brush strokes already out of phase with these statements Raise children off pavement...
was an emotional wreck -I remember you singing for me in a marble temple- I washed dishes and dishes -I remember painting together in your tower studio- dishes and dishes -I remember
[Lee] {Whispered: Achooooo Braaaaancafest} I can't see anything at all All I see is me That's clear enough, that's what's important To see me