Sonny t.? Hey man, sorry 4 fuckin' up your turn-tables Mr. dj (brother jules) That, that, that's cool man, that's cool Y'all didn't have 2 break my hundred
Fordítás: Herceg. Dj elcsábítja Sonny.
Sonny T.? Hey man, sorry 4 fuckin' up your turn-tables Mr. DJ (Brother Jules) That, that, that's cool man, that's cool Y'all didn't have 2 break my
: Sonny T.? Hey man, sorry 4 fuckin' up your turn-tables Mr. DJ (Brother Jules) That, that, that's cool man, that's cool Y'all didn't have 2 break
Sonny T.? Hey man, sorry 4 fuckin' up your turn-tables Mr. DJ (Brother Jules) That, that, that's cool man, that's cool Y'all didn't have 2 break