On the Strand. Who's the man cruisin' The corner? Well, it's Mackie, Knife in hand. Jenny Towler Poor wee Jenny, There they found her Knife in breast. Mackie
Fordítás: Fullánk. Mack The Knife.
ask for his strings Take my advice, never wear air max for the pen Unless you one of the Bloods, or a latin king 'cause if your left with the Aryans your ass will sting
ask for his strings Take my advice, never wear air max for the ?? Unless you one of the Bloods, or a latin king 'cause if your left with the Aryans your ass will sting
ask for his strings Take my advice, never wear air max for the ??? Unless you one of the Bloods, or a latin king Cuz if your left with the Aryans your ass will sting
ask for his strings Take my advice, never wear air max for the ??? Unless you one of the Bloods, or a latin king Cause if your left with the Aryans your ass will sting