Goddess of all the silent wastes, Thou are not found unkind There's no black and white, Thy truth is not so keen Although the crime is great, withhold
[MUSIC & LYRICS BY DAVID DEFEIS] [ATHENA:] Goddess of all the Silent Wastes, thou are not found unkind There's no Black and White, Thy Truth is not so
Fordítás: Virgin Steele. Az ítélet a Fiú.
: [MUSIC & LYRICS BY DAVID DEFEIS] [ATHENA:] Goddess of all the Silent Wastes, thou are not found unkind There's no Black and White, Thy Truth is not
[MUSIC & LYRICS BY DAVID DEFEIS] [ATHENA:] Goddess of all the Silent Wastes, thou are not found unkind There's no Black and White, Thy Truth is not