Fordítás: And they say, "What good have you done by saving just this one. It's like whispering a prayer in the fury of a storm. Angol.
Fordítás: Ország Találat. Garth Brooks. Do You Believe Me Now. Just Got Started Lovin 'You. Brooks.
Fordítás: A Garth Brooks. Halászták in the Dark. Meet Me in Love. Halászták in the Dark. Meet Me In Love.
Fordítás: Ország Találat. Live Like You Were Dying. Lost in This Moment. Love Me If You Can. Need You Now.
Fordítás: 2000-2009 A legjobb pop és a Movie Hits. Kalifornia. Szekér. Garth Brooks. A "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Szekér.